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    Saturday, August 1, 2020

    Devil May Cry SSShitpost Saturday! You are free to shitpost!

    Devil May Cry SSShitpost Saturday! You are free to shitpost!

    SSShitpost Saturday! You are free to shitpost!

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 07:32 AM PDT

    It's time for the other time of the week you're free to show off your SSShitposts! Let's see some great humor!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Made while chilling

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 09:23 AM PDT

    Gloria (Art by dangerousbride)

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 02:28 PM PDT

    Same energy

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 05:04 AM PDT

    I even get a cool floppy sword

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 02:51 PM PDT

    DMC5 Cinematic Combo

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    Bang bang bang

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 03:34 PM PDT

    DMC5 is my 1st main DMC Game and I love it!

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 01:58 PM PDT

    When she hits your DT just right

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 02:28 PM PDT

    I think the game is trying to tell me I suck...

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 04:07 PM PDT

    Judgement NUT END (Not mine found it randomly on 9GAG)

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 05:29 PM PDT

    I just realized while playing that if you go back to Dante's Office instead of going to Temen-Ni-Gru in Mission 14, you'll find a Yellow and/or Gold Orb there

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 10:34 AM PDT

    Finished Translating VoV Ch.23.1!

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 04:31 PM PDT

    Best Section

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 10:24 AM PDT

    DMC's Future Analysis Part 1: DMC5SE, DMC6, Spin-Offs, Remakes, Capcom's Internal Development and studio Politics, Future DLC

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 03:59 PM PDT

    So with many talk about DMC's Future with the reported success of DMC5 many has wondered and speculated about what is next. Many demanding things like spin offs like a Sparda sequel or remakes or even Kamiya asking to work on a game. I'm here to discuss how things could shape up for this series moving forward. This isn't a wishlist but merely speculation on what might be happening based on what I know of Capcom and how they've operated in the past and present.

    The Next Game. Will Capcom ever make sequels and spin offs?

    For the time being that probably isn't in the works but might be being discussed. The next DMC project is most likely DMC5SE. It's the easiest thing they can make right now and if not that then DMC6 is probably in the works instead.....but let's be real here DMC5SE probably is what next. Either way a DMC6 is most likely before any spin off and remake. Let me explain why. Capcom typically leaves remakes and spin offs to side teams and obviously prioritize a main entry over a spin off or remakes. They will have to form a side team that splinters off to make side games while the main team makes the main installments. Issue there who can do that. The thing is Itsuno team makes up a part of the Capcom Prod Studio 1 that makes DMC and RE games and he already is at work on his new project (which most likely is Dragon Dogma 2) so while there is space for Itsuno's project and the DMC team to work on their own project there isn't really any space left for a second DMC team for spin offs to form right especially since Studio 1 also shares RE development and let's be real Capcom execs will never take a piece of RE development to make DMC spin-offs and remakes that is not how business works.

    There are two other options: M-TWO, the studio that makes RE3 Remake and is rumored to make RE4 Remake, and the Sengoku Basara team, where some devs from the DMC5 team actually did worked on. Both are viable options to form a 2nd DMC team and I'll start with the SB team. If there is any game that DMC borrows from the most it would be SB just look at some of the moves and features in DMC4SE and DMC5 you'll find similar things in recent SB titles although SB borrows from DMC more.....a lot more. A LOT MORE. While a musou game SB has shown that those devs have the ability to craft a compelling combat system with insane and stylish moves I wish I can do in a DMC game. They just need to learn how to craft engaging enemy and boss AI and patterns as well as turn down the camp and cheese to DMC levels and viola a pretty good 2nd DMC team ripe for spin offs. Downside to this is the fact this means they will have to stop making SB games which will rob SB fans of their series...all 5 of them. I joke but due to dwindling sales of the recent SB games and just the fact the games seem to struggle to maintain some relevancy even in the Japanese market points to Capcom canning that series too. Although with the mobile games and some promotions the series get as well as rumors of a SB5 because Toei might be making a SW5 (granted rumors and I honestly feel with Nioh being so popular Toei probably wants to focus on 1 Sengoku era game) it seems that may not be the case. But who knows.

    The M-TWO team is also a good pick. They are a subsidiary bought and owned by Capcom formed by Ex-Platinum devs. They've worked on RE3 Remake and is rumored to work on RE4 Remake. After they're done with RE4 having them work on DMC especially remake DMC1 (you know the game that was originally going to be RE4) isn't a bad idea especially since they're Ex-Platinum employees so should know how to craft compelling combat systems and action gameplay. Also compromised of former devs who worked on original RE titles and they're works on RE3 show they still got it they are a far better option for remaking DMC1 than the current team if you ask me. Granted if they working on RE4 that won't get released until 2022 at the earliest. So they probably won't be able to start working on a DMC title until like 2022 although with how Game development works they can start sooner especially with just concept art and since it's a remake of DMC1 it shouldn't take too long to make. Probably only requiring 2 years of actual developing and typically they can easily cross develop DMC6 to have content that makes it easier for DMC1RE development pipeline plus DMC5 already has a couple content like enemy types ready too. Which I'll get to that later. But yeah unless if Capcom plans to have M-TWO just make more RE titles (which is a waste of a talented team if you ask me) then I don't see why they can't make DMC titles. Also I can see M-TWO getting bigger so they too can work on multiple projects basically like another development studio.

    A 3rd alternative will be a team of new hires. Capcom is definitely hiring new people to work on major titles like RE and DMC but I doubt they will form an entire team of newbies to work on any project. They'll most likely assimilate the newcomers into established teams so they can properly develop under more seasoned staff. So not likely but both the main DMC team and a side team will consist of new people in the future.

    Now remakes. DMC5 makes a DMC1 remake more likely now especially since enemy and boss types like Nobodies, Sin/Death Scissors, Shadow, Griffin, Angelos, and Nightmare are in the game. While DMC5 Nightmare looks different from DMC1 Nightmare they still consist of the same materials so all they'll need to do is restructure the shape and apply the same textures. Also going back as DMC4 which has the Assaults and Frost's programmed and designed around the modern combat system so all they need is a texture uplift. And don't be surprised if in DMC6 and maybe even DMC5SE they throw in more content from DMC1 so development for DMC1 remake can come easier. A DMC1 remake can easily throw in Scudo Angelo, Proto Angelo, and Blitz to fill out the roster some more. If Capcom ever grows some balls and decide to remake DMC2 too we might get more content from that game like Lucia or something. DMC5 already has the Hell/PyroBat and Baphomet who are homages to the FlameBat and Goatling. A hypothetical DMC6 might not go full atmospheric gothic like DMC1 but might have segments or inklings of it so the devs can have more material to work with for DMC1's remake or it might to better prepare audience for the DMC1RE. Also remakes are pretty easy compared to a new game especially since the design part is already figured out. It's just refining and adding more content.

    Now here is a controversial take. If Capcom greenlits a DMC1 remake don't be surprised that Dante isn't in DMC6 because he will be in the remake of DMC1 obviously. Reason I say that is because with the way DMC5 ended its primed for a game with Nero and without Dante (maybe even Vergil too). Note I said without Dante and not ONLY Nero. Whether DMC6 keeps the multiple characters thing like DMC4 and 5 is up in the air. A good chance they will but we aren't discussing how the games will balance new and old characters right now. They can easily have Dante not appear in DMC6 to further push Nero and potential new characters while still having Dante appear in other games well like remakes. Reason for this is simple. It's been known by Itsuno that the dev team has pretty much been done with Dante since DMC3 and didn't have any idea where to go with him (or had no interests) both story wise and mechanics wise. They always want to try new things (I'm sure even Nero might get pushed aside for a new protag down the line too lol) both story wise and gameplay wise and to me it seems Dante in DMC5 was the apex of what they can do with him mechanics wise and story wise his story is basically perfectly bookended. He might appear in future games but not to a major degree or at least not too frequently. And since mechanics is arguably what the devs prioritize the most what they can do with a character mechanics wise will determine how relevant they are in the future. At this point there isn't anything major they can do with Dante, yeah there is obviously areas where they can improve upon in DMC5 for Dante gameplay wise but nothing major that will let him headline a new game. In DMC3 it was his completely revamped combat system. DMC4 was style switching. DMC5 was SinDT, full weapon customization, and DSD with its Sword Formations. Dante seems kinda mechanically stuff to the point adding in new systems will have to facilitate dropping some old stuff and any new system can easily be applied to characters who need it like Lady, Trish, and even Vergil and Nero or new characters. People don't expect as much from remakes so you can plop Dante into a DMC1 remake with different weapons that has their mechanics and tricks with a few new tricks and abilities to make up for missing SDT and DSD and it would be fine for most people. I still see Dante appearing in main games either as DLC/SE content or (if we're lucky and the stars align up) a bonus unlock. Now I do see Dante making main appearances in potential future DMC games. Just not all the time. I can see him not in DMC6 but making a main appearance in DMC7. Especially since 777 is Jackpot (and 3 7's = 3 Descendent of Sparda: Dante, Vergil, and Nero). Not saying Dante is gone from future main games just not as prominent but still has remakes where he can still be prominent there so he can still remain the face of the series while Nero and other characters can run the series.

    As for other Spin-Offs the only spin offs I see they will be interested in making is a Sparda spin off and maybe a Lady and Trish spin off but the thing is I doubt the hire ups or even the devs feel a game with just Lady and Trish will sell that well (or feel that it's a waste of resources) so they'll be included with the main games either as a core part of the game or have bonus chapters like DLC or something. Kamiya expressed interest in working with Capcom on a Sparda game and it's possible only if Kamiya leaves Platinum Games. PG has expressed no desire to continue working with publishers and want to go full independent and Capcom also has decided to focus on in house development. I do see Kamiya leaving PG because PG recently is in a partnership with Tencent and is exploring more mobile and GAS gaming ventures and I doubt Kamiya would be enthusiastic about that stuff. Plus PG have developed to a point a lot of the old guard like Kamiya aren't as involved as they used to be more involved in a supervisor role that if he were to leave it would be fine for the company. Not only that the devs at Capcom like Itsuno are constantly seen with Kamiya and are still good friends and even invite Kamiya over to check out their games even before they're announced. So Capcom can work with Kamiya just not Platinum. If Nakamura can leave Tango to work on Okami for Capcom and M-TWO can be made of Ex-Platinum devs Kamiya can easily return to Capcom if he chooses to but he recently announced his new Project GG and that could take 3-5 years to come out so he isn't leaving PG anytime soon unless that game is somehow cancelled too.

    So likely expect DMC6 in 3-4 years with a DMC1 remake a year or two after it. Then a DMC7 about 2 years after that and a Sparda game (if it ever exists) around the corner from that. I do not believe Capcom will ever remake DMC3. And if they do it will take really long time like either next next gen or the late end of next gen.

    Now DLC. DMC5 didn't have DLC for a couple of reasons and honestly it's not too surprising and the devs have been saying way before the game came out there wouldn't be. So let's move past that and see what Capcom's future goals when it comes to future games might be when it comes to long term support or DLC. Capcom as of late when compared to other companies outside their fighting games has a tendency to be on the lighter side when it comes to DLC monetization. A good reason why DMC5 didn't have any DLC outside BP was due to timing. A DMC6 will be showing up at the early phase of next gen so timing will be fine and could have DLC but I doubt it will be all that much looking at how the recent RE games treat DLC and just single player Capcom games in the past. CAPCOM seems to just absolutely love Special Editions (not just for DMC but other franchises too) that they seem to have adopted that strategy for the current market in the form of expansions that can be bought separately ala Icebourne and SFVAE/CE. DMC6 and maybe even DMC5SE will most likely adopt that formula. I think it's purely due to marketing reasons. Special Editions are basically treated as new games really so they generate way more buzz than just individual DLC. It's sprinkling new content over a set period of time isn't as hype and eventually dilute interests and sales over time compared to just a dropping a smorgasbord of new content all at once. Basically one big expansion pass. I do see until then them dropping in some small content as DLC to keep fans sated until then like costumes, some new modes (and by new modes I mean old modes that didn't make it in), maybe a few new weapons, music, if Dante isn't in the base game you bet your ass he is one of first DLC you can get otherwise there will be riots on the streets but nothing major for that will be saved for the expansion/special edition. A lot like MHW strategy.

    But yeah that was just part 1 of this analysis. And note this mostly isn't what I would like but it's more or less a calculated prediction of the series future based on Capcom's own history and internal workings. Part 2 may cover more on how Capcom may continue to build the brand by investing in more multiplayer/community components, it's relationship with RE and how it actually affects DMC, the RE engine, mobile games, and outside material like potential Netflix series, movies, and etc and how they can build and shape the brand as well as any other talking point I may missed. I'm getting tired and could use a break.

    Note this is all just speculation and predictions Capcom can go completely left field. Anything can goes.

    submitted by /u/KingDanteV
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    Playing Devil Trigger while running

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 10:46 AM PDT

    I noticed if you keep with the tempo of Devil Trigger, you can run 1 mile in less than 7 min. When I skipped the first 45 sec of the song for the slow start while running, I almost finished my mile by the time the song ended. Good tool I've been using to lower my run time plus I get to hear banging music about our favorite deadweight. Hopefully you guys can try it out as well. Happy hunting!

    submitted by /u/generalshitbaggery
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    I should not be allowed access to Photoshop and/or indie games. Like, ever.

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 10:31 AM PDT

    spawn vs dante by Justeazy12

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 05:47 AM PDT

    Devil May Cry Movie Screenplay (Fan-Made)

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 01:18 PM PDT

    DMC5 trickster tips

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 07:55 PM PDT

    I'm a newbie to the series and as one I feel I should inform fellow newbies about Trickster on higher difficulties On Human trickster is a win button, but after my play through I switched to Son of Sparda and I learned quick you can't rely on trickster to win all of your fights, while stances such as royal guard can do well on their own, trickster should be used to supplement other stances, getting away from enemies and then using gunslinger, getting up close and using sword master or to block with royal guard or to use royal release, just wanted to leave this here for other newbies to the series

    submitted by /u/Elder-Rusty
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    So uh does Vergil have sin devil trigger?

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 10:22 AM PDT

    Wherever I go i always see his d.t. in 5 listed as just his d.t. and I was always confused. Is his d.t. an s.d.t. or is it regular.

    submitted by /u/chinacough
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    Do you think Capcom will ever make a Sparda prequel game?

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 12:33 PM PDT

    I'd really like to see it personally. We don't have enough lore about the man himself.

    submitted by /u/mrglassesguy97
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    It seems that Lady's "magic"/DT gauge isn't used for grenades in Pinnacle of Combat.

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 05:05 PM PDT

    Just noticed something

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 01:39 PM PDT

    urizen has 3 fights in 5 just like vergil did in 3 i think it's a neat detail considering urizen IS vergil

    submitted by /u/chinacough
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