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    Thursday, August 13, 2020

    Devil May Cry Lore Thursdays! Let us discuss some lore!

    Devil May Cry Lore Thursdays! Let us discuss some lore!

    Lore Thursdays! Let us discuss some lore!

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 07:32 AM PDT

    Got some interesting ideas about the lore and perhaps the future of the series? Let's discuss!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    By far the best screenshot that has ever been taken

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 04:00 PM PDT

    Recently startred playing DMC4SE again, I had totally forgotten that you needed to hold forward to use the slam attack...

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 12:12 PM PDT

    Has this been posted here before? Young Dmc5 vergil

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 05:22 PM PDT

    They've did it! The OFFICIAL ATLUS page said the line!

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 12:52 AM PDT


    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 11:42 AM PDT

    Some more DMC pixel art!

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 06:46 PM PDT

    Two little tips for Dante in DMC5's Bloody Palace: free Swords Formations and discounted Sin Devil Trigger

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 03:04 PM PDT

    tldr at bottom, wanted to cover all bases

    Tip No. 1: You can only use part of your SDT to finish a (non-boss) floor

    As a refresher, Sin Devil Trigger (SDT) is a special transformation Dante unlocks in mission 12 that is more powerful than his regular Devil Trigger (DT). SDT has a red bar above the regular DT bar that has to be filled by transferring DT by holding the DT button and must be full to activate, which requires about 12 regular DT runes. When SDT is active, Dante has no health regeneration, but greatly reduced damage, and no longer has access to his usual moveset, which is replaced with a small list of very powerful moves. When SDT is activated it will remain active until the bar is drained in about 12 seconds.

    There is a purchasable skill, Quadruple S-Rank, which, when your style rank is SSS, allows you to use SDT for 4-5 seconds and turn it off for free. What this means is that once you reach SSS rank, you can keep going in and out of SDT mode and destroy just about every encounter in the game, as long as you don't get hit in between transformations.

    Moves you can do during Quadruple S-Rank's window include: 4-5 Ombras, the basic combo, the first two hits of the combo followed by Sin Inferno, and a few seconds of either Sin Stinger or the Luce. The only two moves you can't do are Judgement, because you it drains the whole bar, and Demolition, because it requires about a second too much time.

    However, one thing you may have noticed in Bloody Palace is that both Devil Trigger and Sin Devil Trigger are turned off whenever you finish a non-boss floor. What this means is that you can use SDT at the end of any floor and only use a part of your bar. The best use of this, if you can manage to activate Quadruple S-rank, you can use Demolition, which is a one-hit kill to eliminate any enemy at the cost of 3 DT runes, or 7 or so otherwise This is very useful on floors like 70, 88, or 97, where a pain in the ass Fury might ruin your run. Otherwise, it can just spare the effort of killing tanky enemies like Empusa Queens, Proto Angelos, or Behemoths.

    Tip No. 2 You can get Swords Formation for FREE at the start of each floor

    Devil Sword Dante has an ability called Swords Formation, where by holding the attack button for a few seconds and releasing when the blade glows, Dante will use up 2 DT runes to summon 4 spectral swords for about 45 seconds that will give him bonuses depending on the style he has equipped. In Trickster you get more dashes and an extra Air Hike, Sky Star, and Air Trick. In Gunslinger they will automatically attack nearby enemies and intercept projectiles. In Swordmaster they will complement all your attacks (with any weapon) such as extending the range of Prop/Shredder, spinning around you in Pyromania, holding enemies in position for Real Impact, and so on for every move. In Royalguard they will decrease damage and prevent style damage for attacks as well as increase the amount of royalguard gauge gained from each attack. They are an incredible tool for just about any situation.

    A lot of people, myself included, don't seem to use them much unless their DT and SDT gauges are full, but in Bloody Palace there seems to be a glitch where if you charge up Swords Formation once a level is finished and walk into the portal without releasing the key you will have Swords Formation activated without losing any DT. (You don't have to hold it until the next floor loads, you can let it go after entering the portal). This just makes all of BP easier in general, but is especially helpful on some levels, such as Artemis, since you can Air Trick and Sky Star across the map; Vergil where you can cancel out his summon swords with Gunslinger, easily use punishing moves like Real Impact or Hot Stuff, or take advantage of the less punishing Royalguard, or anywhere a Hell Judaica or Lusachia start teleporting around.


    1) If you use SDT at the end of a floor, it will turn itself off without depleting the gauge

    2) You can have one use of Swords Formation for free by holding and not releasing the button until you enter the portal.

    Edit: Should clarify that the SDT trick will not work on boss floors. You will lose all of your SDT. The Swords Formation trick works on every floor though.

    submitted by /u/leonardearl
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    Devil May Cry 5 has sold 3.7 million copies

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 07:30 PM PDT

    Decent head canon reason for Dante's different swordplay in DMC1.

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 05:54 PM PDT

    So I'd say that Dante's sword fighting style in 3, 4, and 5 is definitely his.

    In 2 he was so bored that he was just doing random shit with his sword because he couldn't be assed to try. Just kidding.

    In 1, since he was getting vengeance and using his father's sword the Force Edge, I'm gonna say that he used the swordsmanship moves that Sparda taught him and Vergil as boys out of respect for his father's legacy and in tribute to his family.

    In the DMC5 prequel novel, Dante mentions that Sparda taught him (and Vergil) some combat when he was a child.

    How do we know this is Sparda's style? Because Vergil uses DMC1 slash moves on Arkham when he has Rebellion. How else would both brothers use the same style? Not only that, but Vergil as Nelo Angelo uses a similar style of swordplay as Dante. Since Nelo is using a bigger sword than the Yamato, this is how Vergil knows how to wield larger blades.

    So DMC1 swordsmanship is Sparda's style.

    3, 4, and 5 swordsmanship is all Dante.

    Maybe it doesn't have to be headcanon. It's not outright stated but it makes total sense.

    submitted by /u/CavalierSlayer
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    Me after taking French language classes

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 09:45 AM PDT

    Gonna commit myself to beating the first game for the first time ever, for despite having owned the game for PS3, PS4, and now Switch for a total of 7 years, I’ve never made it past the first stage. TL;DR, pleasantly surprised and having fun!

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 01:09 PM PDT

    Biggest reason why I haven't beaten the first game after all these years is because I got the impression that it aged horribly. Like by the time I got the HD collection on PS4, I still had my playthrough of Ratchet 1 fresh in my mind and I HATED that game, so I thought DMC1 would be the same story.

    But as I'm now playing the Switch version(because the resellers mistakenly sold it for 2000¥ and didn't realize the DMC 2 and 3 download codes weren't used yet), I'm having alot of fun with this! It's got the right amount of humbleness to it compare to later entries and Kamiya's other works.

    It's still got its kinks of course but I'm just glad that the grandfather of my favorite games, Astral Chain, Wonderful 101, and even DMCV itself is still a hoot at parties with the right amount of lore intrigue. I just hope that the infamous parts don't turn me off too hard.

    submitted by /u/AntonRX178
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    Arkham makes me want to quit the game.

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 01:40 PM PDT

    Fuck this fight

    submitted by /u/Hurtlegurtle
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    Modders doing the work of god here. Damn, our boy looks good in this

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 08:20 PM PDT

    Just finished DMC5, absolutely loved every second

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 06:31 AM PDT

    This was my first DMC game and I picked Devil Hunter. As soon as I finished the end cut scenes I started by next play through on Son of Sparda. I can totally see why everyone loves these games with a passion, after the combat "clicked" for me I couldn't stop playing. Thanks devs!

    submitted by /u/Jjlred
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    How do you picture Vergil’s EX Taunt if he becomes playable again?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 11:48 AM PDT

    From when we saw V, it was like singing in the rain.

    How do you picture Vergil's own or leave it the same?

    submitted by /u/henshinslayer
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    what you guys think of V

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 05:00 PM PDT

    i need some ideas for video i will make about him and i want to know what most players think about him

    submitted by /u/Orangeito
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    A new look for Patty Lowell if she returned in DMC6. Inspired by Maria Renard & Melanie Martinez.

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 07:27 AM PDT

    Almost instant loading on next gen will be amazing for higher difficulties

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 09:24 AM PDT

    I decided to get back to the game and get the All S trophy on my PS4 and goddamn, there are a lot of loading screens in this game. It's probably my biggest problem with this otherwise stellar game

    If they pull off Meatboy/Celeste style instant loading, I'll be over the moon, and tackling the Son of Sparda would be so much less daunting. Especially for restarts on death, for that sweet no continues bonus

    So I decided to hold off until I get my hands on that sweet SSD goodness

    submitted by /u/Trimirlan
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    [DMC5 MODDING] So i'd LOVE to put my own music for battle tracks

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 08:37 PM PDT

    But I got no way on how to do it, anyone got any good ideas? Or whos ever modded it to help? Thank ya!

    submitted by /u/Chronoteeth
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    When people in this sub downvote me for trolling

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 08:33 PM PDT

    May as well share all these. It's the drawings of Dante, Trish and Nelo Angelo that have been used in my "DMC basically" series. Maybe there will be a Mundus drawing soon?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 08:18 PM PDT

    recomendation on dmd devil may cry 3

    Posted: 13 Aug 2020 11:15 AM PDT

    after finally going throught very hard after only using items in that bullshit arkham fight, decided to tackle dmd but after playing up to mission 4 i feel the great increase in difficulty, i plan to only use super dante for those bullshit enigma missions, any recomendations

    submitted by /u/danteas14
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