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    Saturday, July 25, 2020

    Devil May Cry SSShitpost Saturday! You are free to shitpost!

    Devil May Cry SSShitpost Saturday! You are free to shitpost!

    SSShitpost Saturday! You are free to shitpost!

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 07:32 AM PDT

    It's time for the other time of the week you're free to show off your SSShitposts! Let's see some great humor!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Vergil DLC moveset confirmed

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 03:57 PM PDT

    who did he think he was fooling

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 10:17 AM PDT

    Have a D&D-inspired shitpost.

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 05:58 AM PDT

    Dante’s Devil Dong

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 12:36 PM PDT

    Johnny's(Nero VA) answering question about DMC5SE

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 06:42 PM PDT

    GF bought me this for Xmas! All my demo gameplay must’ve had her MOTIVATED!!!

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 08:33 AM PDT

    3 weeks later and now I have V's accessory. Almost everything is 3d printed which took a lot of time to model

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 06:44 AM PDT

    Decided to make a fanarts of my favourite game characters. DMC had to be the first one to take on. Gonna do Vergil and Nero next. Hope you like it. (I'm @SunlessCoast on other sites.)

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 07:33 PM PDT

    that interview with Reuben on the charity stream where he talks about how Itsuno felt weird about foreigners not knowing dmc4 Nero was Vergil child for a whole decade is my spirit animal.

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 03:16 AM PDT

    Seriously. Nero talked about power, wielded the Yamato, did the same moves against Dante as Vergil did and Dante said "keep it in the family". Hell Vergil going to fortuna on dmc4se and still people clamining it doesn't make sense. For almost a whole decade I was fighting idiots on online forums telling me how Vergil couldn't be Nero's bilogical dad because they have a different take on some cryptic dmc1 novel lore.

    Holydebil Jesus Sparda fuckz. I feel so much relieve on Reuben calling them out. I just feel so much relaxation on seeing how Vergil talks about his devil's awakening with that random gurl in fortuna.

    submitted by /u/patowarheart
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    Combo Challenges from DevilMayCry:Pinnacle of Combat CBT2

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 10:30 AM PDT

    【Devil May Cry Mobile: Pinnacle of Combat】- STYLISH BLOODY PALACE GAMEPLAY - FLOORS 1-19

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 03:29 PM PDT

    Soooo...how did Nero happen?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 07:02 PM PDT

    Yes, I know Nero is Vergil's son, but what I want to know is...how the fuck did he even happen? If we have our timeline correct and Nero was at least conceived some time before the events of DMC3(I'm guessing at least a year or two), that would mean Vergil was, at best, indifferent toward humans and, at worst, outright hated them due to viewing them as weak.

    So...unless he somehow has the ability to induce male pregnancy in a demon and produce a mostly human child, the only possibilities I'm seeing are either he slept with a hooker without protection(either underestimating his fertility, having the attitude of 'not my circus, not my monkeys' or just plain teenage idiocy) or there was some noncon fuckery with the Order of the Sword that Vergil figured out after the fact.

    ...BTW the mpreg thing is sarcasm.

    submitted by /u/Casandraelf
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    I'm interested in getting DMC 5. Do I need to play the previous ones first?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 06:52 PM PDT

    I'm on xbox one if that helps

    submitted by /u/tikiman53
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    What’s next for these legendary weapons?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 01:47 PM PDT

    D&D-ifying Dante's Weapons from Devil May Cry 5

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 03:52 PM PDT

    I was bored and had some time on my hands, so I tried my hand at homebrewing some D&D weapons based on Dante's Devil Arms from Devil May Cry 5. Many of these items are unbalanced, but that's part of the fun of it.


    • Martial melee weapon
    • Damage die — 1d4 bludg.
    • User must have both hands free in order to wield.

    A pair of magical gauntlets/greaves infused with demonic power. All damage dealt is magical for the purposes of overcoming resistances. While Balrog is equipped, your unarmed strikes deal 1d4 bludgeoning damage. If you are a Monk, this damage die is your Martial Arts die. As a bonus action when you use Balrog to attack on your turn, you may make one additional unarmed strike. Your unarmed strikes with Balrog use your Strength or Dexterity (your choice).


    When you hit a creature with an unarmed strike, you may use your bonus action to ignite Balrog. This ignition lasts for 1 minute. While ignited, your subsequent unarmed strikes deal an additional 1d4 fire damage.

    Real Impact

    As an action, you may use Balrog to activate Real Impact. To do so, Ignition must be active and you must move no more than 0 feet on that turn.

    As a part of this action, make a single unarmed strike against an enemy within 5 feet of you. If the attack hits, Balrog deals 3d12 bludgeoning damage and 3d12 fire damage to that target. Balrog's Ignition then ends.

    You may only activate Real Impact once per round.


    • Land Vehicle
    • Medium Construct
    • Speed 75 ft
    • AC 20
    • HP 250
    • Damage Resistances: Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing
    • Damage Immunities: Poison, Psychic
    • Condition Immunities: Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, Exhaustion, Frightened, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned


    • Martial melee weapon
    • Damage die — 1d10 slashing plus 1d10 bludgeoning
    • Heavy, two-handed

    A magical motorcycle fueled by the wrath of Hell. As an action, you may morph Cavaliere into one of two forms:

    Weapon Mode

    In Weapon Mode, Cavaliere is a martial melee weapon with the Heavy and Two-Handed properties. It deals 1d10 slashing plus 1d10 bludgeoning damage on a hit. This damage is magical for the purpose of overcoming resistances.

    Full Throttle

    As an action while wielding Cavaliere in Weapon Mode, you may make a single melee weapon attack against a creature within 5 feet of you. Damage is dealt as normal in weapon mode. When you make this attack, you gain +3 to your AC until the start of your next turn, as the sheer mass of Cavaliere shields you from oncoming damage. If the attack hits, the target must make a Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the end of its next turn. The save DC is 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier.

    Attacks with Cavaliere use your Strength. Due to the enormous weight and size of the weapon, its wielder must have a Strength score of at least 18 in order to proficiently use.

    Vehicle Mode

    In Vehicle Mode, Cavaliere is a Land Vehicle with a speed of 75 ft. Its AC is 20 and HP is 250. Cavaliere is a Medium Construct. It has resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage, immunity to poison and psychic damage, as well as immunity to the blinded, charmed, deafened, exhausted, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, and poisoned conditions.

    As an action, you may use Cavaliere to Charge. To do so, you must move at least 10 feet in a direct line toward a target and make a melee attack using Strength. If this attack hits, the target takes 2d10 bludgeoning damage and must make a Strength saving throw or else be knocked prone. The save DC is 8 + your proficiency bonus + Cavaliere's Strength Modifier (+5).

    Cavaliere's Statistics

    STR - 20 (+5) DEX - 12 (+1) CON - 19 (+4) INT - 2 (-4) WIS - 12 (+1) CHA - 7 (-2)

    Dr. Faust

    A magical hat once worn by a beguiling fire demon. You may wear this hat only when attuned to it. While wearing Dr. Faust, you gain the following benefits:

    • Your Charisma score increases by 2.
    • You may cast the Firebolt cantrip at will.
    • You may cast either the Melf's Minute Meteors or Fireball spells at 5th level once per long rest.
    • You may cast Otto's Irresistible Dance at will, but you may only target yourself.

    Charisma is your spellcasting ability when using Dr. Faust.

    Devil Sword Dante

    • Martial melee weapon
    • Damage die — 2d6 slash.
    • Heavy, two-handed

    This magical greatsword is an extension of a legendary demon hunter's very will. The damage dealt is magical for the purposes of overcoming resistances. You may wield this weapon only when attuned to it. While attuned, you may cast the Sword Burst cantrip at will.

    Swords Formation

    Once per short rest, you may use a bonus action while wielding the Devil Sword Dante to summon spectral swords that aid you in battle. These swords persist for 1 minute. While they are summoned, the Devil Sword Dante grants its wielder one of the following benefits:

    • Trickster — Your movement speed increases by 5 feet, and you may take the Dodge action as a bonus action.
    • Swordmaster — Devil Sword Dante deals an additional 2d6 force damage to creatures hit with melee attacks.
    • Gunslinger — You may use your action to cast Spiritual Weapon once without somatic or material costs.
    • Royalguard — You may use your reaction to cast Shield once without somatic or material costs.


    While Swords Formation is active, you may use your action to cast Destructive Wave without somatic or material costs. You must finish a long rest before being able to do so again.

    Charisma is your spellcasting ability when using the Devil Sword Dante.

    King Cerberus

    • Martial melee weapon
    • Damage die — 1d6 cold, fire, or lightning
    • Light, finesse

    A magical melee weapon containing the soul of Cerberus, three-headed guardian of the gates of Hell.

    King Cerberus can be used by any class that is proficient with simple or martial weapons. As a bonus action, you may transform King Cerberus into one of three forms. Each form deals magical damage for the purpose of overcoming resistances.


    King Cerberus deals 1d6 cold damage + your Strength or Dexterity modifier (your choice). While in this form, you have access to the following spells, which can be cast at 3rd level without material or somatic components:

    • Armor of Agathys
    • Ice Knife
    • Snilloc's Snowball Swarm

    Bo Staff

    King Cerberus deals 1d6 fire damage + your Strength or Dexterity modifier (your choice). While in this form, you have access to the following spells, which can be cast at 3rd level without material or somatic components:

    • Absorb Elements
    • Burning Hands
    • Aganazzar's Scorcher

    Three-Section Staff

    King Cerberus deals 1d6 lightning damage + your Strength or Dexterity modifier (your choice). While in this form, you have access to the following spells, which can be cast at 3rd level without material or somatic components:

    • Protection from Energy
    • Witch Bolt
    • Shatter

    Elemental Magic

    King Cerberus contains three charges. As an action, you may expend one charge to cast a spell from Cerberus's spell list. The list changes depending on which of the weapons three forms is active at any given time. You regain all three charges when you finish a long rest.

    Charisma is your spellcasting ability when wielding King Cerberus.

    There you have it. Hope you enjoyed reading! Have fun, folks.

    submitted by /u/Splatoonist
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    666 Red Orbs

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 07:55 AM PDT


    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 02:28 PM PDT

    Am I being stupid or what? How do I access the map in devil may cry 5! I swear the game has one.

    submitted by /u/Gaizen_
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    Hey guys I think I’m almost done with dmc this mundus fight is pretty hard but overall I’m so hype to play dmc 2 cause I’m really like the story so far and gameplay

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 09:06 AM PDT

    For some reason the end of Shall Never Surrender makes me cry and I dont knows why

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 08:15 PM PDT

    You know? The one where it transitions to the Eva and Sparda's words and it's definitely them as they say about Love which connects them but yeah, this one really hits me and still does, I just dont know why because it's not speaking of anything bad or maybe it's tears of Joy and so still hits me.

    submitted by /u/WildSangrita
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    Unable to change default controls on DMC 5 PC

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 01:39 PM PDT

    I've been in love with this game since it came out and recently bought it again for pc so I can play as Vergil.

    However when I go to change my controller setup the game says "multiple commands have been assigned to the same button. Please set a different button for each command"

    I have checked that no buttons share a command and this even happens when I reset to default controls. Once I get this message I am unable to exit the control menu and have to restart the game. I have looked online but this doesn't seem to be a big issue. I've reinstalled and am out of ideas.

    submitted by /u/deathless_wolf
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    Will Nero be able to use his right arm at the beginning of the game again?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 03:23 PM PDT

    Can't picture him with the wire grab again now that he's got his Devil Bringer back now with spectral wings.

    Can you imagine in the beginning of the game's tutorial, soldiers try to fight off the lesser demons or a couple of civilians try to fight them off, Nero & Nico appear out of nowhere as Nero jumps straight out of the van to protect them.

    Nero can show the soldiers how he rolls things just like he did in Mission 1. But this time showing off his gun to sword & to old+new Devil Breakers along with Devil Bringer. Bet he'll turn into his Devil Trigger form too if possible or later.

    submitted by /u/henshinslayer
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    Lame OC for shitpostin' saturday

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 11:14 AM PDT

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