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    Saturday, April 25, 2020

    Devil May Cry SSShitpost Saturday! You are free to shitpost!

    Devil May Cry SSShitpost Saturday! You are free to shitpost!

    SSShitpost Saturday! You are free to shitpost!

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 07:32 AM PDT

    It's time for the other time of the week you're free to show off your SSShitposts! Let's see some great humor!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    [OC] Nero SDT full design

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 02:54 PM PDT

    This years getting crazy

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 06:13 AM PDT

    Nico is best girl

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 03:44 AM PDT


    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 04:16 PM PDT

    Devil May (bad) Guy

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 02:00 PM PDT

    My experiences with playing Vergil on DMC3 switch

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 09:36 AM PDT

    The graphics also applies

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 07:13 AM PDT

    hell wrath be like

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 12:24 PM PDT

    Felt motivated, started drawing.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 03:11 PM PDT

    The only time i hated Vergil

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 02:19 PM PDT

    Yeah, no thank you

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 01:34 PM PDT

    Working my way through the series

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 03:25 AM PDT

    Found a Kyrie tshirt

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 12:40 PM PDT

    Divine Hate

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 12:51 PM PDT

    posteing again an updated version

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 09:47 AM PDT

    Devil May Cry 5 forced to its LOWEST (on Intel HD graphics!)

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 01:28 PM PDT

    Bayonetta makes me appreciate Devil May Cry

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 06:14 PM PDT

    Do you guys remember during the 10-year gap between DMC4 and 5 looking for other character action games to play? During that time Bayonetta was touted as the next closest thing to DMC and of course it was, it was made by Kamiya. Jumping back into it after playing through it once in the past, I have been deeply disappointed in how the comparison completely breaks down when I tried to platinum all chapters on hard mode of Bayonetta.

    Doing an SS-rank run of DMC3 normal (don't laugh) and S-rank of DMC4 DMD, if I got stuck, there was a new style/melee/firearm combination that I could try to make things easier, the missions were focused on combat for the most part, and the scoring system was completely fair. I expected a similar level of thought put into Bayonetta because of all the comparisons made and I remembered liking it on my first casual playthrough but this platinum run has exposed to me how different the two are. It's the fact that the tough secret missions count towards your final rank (why am I being graded on my ability to stay in the air for 30 seconds?, random QTEs/instadeath moments, gimmick levels where you have to ride a motorcycle or a rocket, and that the game's combat boils down to three mechanics: parrying, dodging, and dodge offsets which limits the flexibility that you have to tackle difficult chapters.

    Has anyone else played Bayonetta looking for that DMC fix and felt the same? I was hoping to platinum both Bayonetta 1 and 2 before capping things off with DMC5, but at this point I might just cut those playthroughs short and go straight to DMC5 because I don't think Bayonetta is for me. I appreciate that DMC is mostly free of annoying gimmicks in its missions, doesn't count secret missions as part of the final score, and has so much freedom to incentivize experimenting with different playstyles.

    submitted by /u/Hoklidays
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    Uploaded some DMC StriVe freestyle stuff

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 07:29 PM PDT

    Gee, thanks...

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 09:58 AM PDT

    Putting Royal Guard to use

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 10:18 AM PDT

    Past DMC Villains in the Afterlife

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 02:59 PM PDT

    Outside Mundus, Argosax, and Sid from the anime, a vast majority of DMC villains who have died (so no counting Vergil) were humans who to some extent became corrupted by demonic power and became demons to an extent. We know from various enemy files throughout the series humans after death can go to hell and be tortured for their sins. Whether this means all humans in the DMC world goes to hell since heaven technically doesn't exists (that would honestly suck) or only really terrible people go to hell to suffer and the more pure ones just pass on to some unknown great beyond, purgatory, become souls, reincarnation is yet to be explored. We all know for certain the likes of Arkham, Arius, Sanctus, and the likes would definitely go to hell under regular circumstances.

    However that is where the question should be asked. Would those guys go to hell after their deaths? We know or can heavily say that once an actual demon dies they just die. No afterlife for them. But what about humans who turned themselves into demons or became heavily corrupted prior to their death? Are they then counted as demons or still human with souls that can pass on to the afterlife?

    My answer is that it may depends. I think cases like Arkham where he was failed process and wasnt able to fully become demon like Vergil stated and when he told Vergil he underestimated humans (as a response to him one upping Vergil) Arkham is very much still human. A corrupted human with enhanced demonic capabilities but still human. So he would very much still pass on to the afterlife. Arius is a more extreme case of Arkham. He spent most of his screentime pretty much human until he absorbed Argosax's power (which the process was screwed by Dante swapping one of the arcana) and was shot through the window by Dante and survived due to having absorb some of Argosax's power. He would then mutate into a RE monstrosity and be killed by Lucia. His case is trick since never tried to undergo some ritual like Arkham and the Order but just absorb demonic power to become immortal so a demonic enhanced human. But his form at the end sort of indicates he basically became a demon but at the same time one can say the failed process just mutated him so Arius upon death could still have a human soul that can pass on to the afterlife.

    Now the Order of the Sword is where things get tricky. Because unlike the last two who are basically demonic enhanced humans the Order outright converted themselves into demons and their demon/Angelo forms could be seen as their true forms now. What their souls really look like. A true demon. Even Nero confirmed this when he confronted Credo. The only discrepency is the fact upon Credo's he evaporated into particles of light. Most demons when they die evaporate into dust or dark matter (especially if you look at Sanctus death) so Credo due to being the most noble and pure of the cast may have passed on (maybe not to heaven but sure not hell). Then you have Sanctus who after he died evaporated and his essence, you might say his very soul, lingered on and possessed/controls the Savior..almost like a malevolent spirit or a demon. No other demon in the series I know that died but their essence lingered on so this is only with Sanctus. Meaning Sanctus died and came back as a spirit to possess the Savior only to die for good. Although Nero says he is sending Sanctus back to hell so who knows if Sanctus is gone forever. Then you have Agnus who upon his death didn't evaporate into anything...as far as we know. He died a very human death implying he could still very much still be human and pass on to the afterlife like normal.

    Then bonus round the main villain in DMC2 novel is some sorceror named Chen who becomes possessed by the Beastheads. Since its possession and not full demonic conversion one can count him as human upon his death so his soul would pass on too.

    Alternatively another route they can go is that those villains due to coverting themselves into demons or becoming corrupted by demonic power might reincarnate as demons in the afterlife (as its implied with Sanctus). Meaning during one of Dante and Vergil's escapades in the Demon World they could in theory come across the tortured souls of past villians in demonic jail cells or something (like the Inner Momentos moment from Persona 5) or their true demonic equivalent.

    What do any of you think?

    submitted by /u/KingDanteV
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    You know that feeling when you lose but it was so exciting that you're still excited? Here's me against BP Cavaliere, he only had a pixel of health left when it ended.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 04:47 PM PDT

    Deluxe edition help

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 04:33 PM PDT

    There is a sale going on and both the deluxe edition and regular edition are discounted and offer 100,000 red orbs free. My question is if i buy the deluxe edition would i get 200,000 red orbs or just 100,000? Also i've never played a dmc game so should i pay extra $5 for deluxe edition or no? Thanks you for the answers :)

    submitted by /u/wrinkled-snake
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    My ranking of the DMC soundtracks through Bill Clinton. (dmc 3 & 1 arent there but they're better than all of them.)

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 06:10 AM PDT

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