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    Friday, March 27, 2020

    Devil May Cry Even demons need to be afraid of something...

    Devil May Cry Even demons need to be afraid of something...

    Even demons need to be afraid of something...

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 01:11 PM PDT

    When life gets you down

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 03:13 PM PDT

    I made lego figures of Vergil and Dante, I’m thinking of doing Nero too

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 12:24 AM PDT

    I wonder if Dante’s “Set Hat” move with Dr. Faust was directly inspired by Michael Jackson’s fedora throw attack in Moonwalker.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 05:17 PM PDT

    "StOp BuZzInG aRoUnD"

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 04:09 PM PDT

    Did DMC5 make you appreciate Nero?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 08:51 AM PDT

    Do you think he was a more interesting character than in DMC4?

    submitted by /u/JadydemFang
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    I made Lady (dmc 3) I’m still working on Nero

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 06:35 PM PDT

    I missed the part where thats my problem.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 09:49 PM PDT

    Ft Demi-fiend from the Shin Megami tensei series

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 08:15 PM PDT

    A combo

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 02:04 PM PDT

    I bet somebody has already brought this up, but here I go.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 04:30 PM PDT

    In Devil May Cry 3, The final fight cutscene goes:

    Vergil: "Give that to me."

    Dante: "No way. You've got your own."

    Vergil: "Well I want yours too."

    In Devil May Cry 5, the Dante vs Vergil Cutscene goes:

    Dante: "Hey Vergil, your portal-opening days are over. Give me the Yamato."

    Vergil: "If you want it, you'll have to take it... but you already knew that."

    Dante: "I had a feeling youd say that."

    Did they just pull an Uno Reverse Card on us?

    submitted by /u/StoneAndAsh
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    Vergil has strong opinions.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 09:32 PM PDT

    So I recently finished my first SOS playthrough of DMC 5

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 03:24 PM PDT

    I had beat the game on devil hunter pretty easily with only Malphas and Vergil (mission 19) taking about 2-3 tries. I didn't use a single continue and I basically powered through the game with Dante's swordmaster alone. Basically I thought I the game was really easy. Then I played it again in SOS mode....It really humbled the hell out of me when the damn qliphoth root killed me. All of V's bosses weren't that hard for me but Nero's and Dante's especially made Me actually have a to get decent at the game or die trying. I mean I could had gold orb my way through damn near every boss but I was motivated to beat SOS no continues.

    What made me really appreciate SOS mode is that I had to experiment with the tools the game gave if I hoped to beat it. I found myself having to use Nero's devil breakers efficiently, trickster to close distance and dodge, royalguarding to quickly build DT for the heals and damage, swordmastering to get big damage, and looking at gunslinger (didn't really use it) unlike my first playthrough where I basically bum rushed everything that wasn't Vergil with Swordmaster (Vergil forced me to experiment with royalguard my first playthrough). I plan on doing a DMD playthrough, no continue run and expect to get my ass handed to me. And I'll enjoy every second of it.

    Also rage DT stinger is real.

    Edited: Made it to mission 2 in DMD mode I gotta say I wasn't expecting my enemies to pull out their own devil triggers or have so much damn hp. This mode has already killed in the Prologue once and I managed to beat mission 1 no deaths but with like 1% of my hp. This mode is gonna kick my ass.

    submitted by /u/DoubleH18
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    An Interesting Connection Between Lucifer (the Devil Arm) and Faust/Mephisto

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 03:47 PM PDT

    So if you pay real close attention the Lucifer Devil Arm and Faust you would notice how insanely similar they are. In design and abilities/moveset. Lucifer's design heavily looks similar to Faust when in its exposed bug form. The spikes that the Faust produces to fire at the player looks so similar to the blade pins that Dante pulls out of Lucifer. The red color scheme on the spikes/pins are also telling too as well as Faust's spikes/pins hover around it and can change formations and function very closely like Lucifer's pins. The borderline boss like moveset Faust has lead me to believe that Lucifer at one point may have been a boss in DMC4 but due to lack of time was scrapped and was applied to Faust instead.

    And the connections don't just stop to similarities in the game but even its outside influences.

    "Faust is a figure from German legend who made a pact with the Devil, trading his soul for great knowledge and worldly pleasure. The appearance alongside Mephistopheles references the 1604 stage play "Doctor Faustus" by Christopher Marlowe, the first stage adapation of the tale. Mephistopheles is a demon who serves Lucifer in Hell and in a deal, bargains Doctor Faustus' soul in exchange for knowledge of the arcane arts. The name Mephistopheles means "one who fears the light"." Mephisto is a fairly common short form of the name.

    Additionally, both Mephisto's and Faust's true bodies strongly resemble that of an earwig, a type of insect."

    -DMC wiki

    It should be noted that Lucifer according to the DMC4 novel (written by Bingo himself) was a powerful and respected demon according to Berial before he was defeated and became a Devil Arm by Dante....I think. Well according to translations of the novel is that what it says anyway. So by Bingo's own alleged words Lucifer was his own demon.

    Since DMC and Capcom really borrow loosely from myth and literature (not directly like God of War or anything). One can speculate Lucifer was a similar race of the Faust and Mephisto or came from the same clan. Especially since they're regions of hell so its heavily implied that Berial, Balrog, and certain flame based demons like Goliath are all connected in some way. Cerberus clan/tribe and the Bael/Dagon family line does establish demon clans and families and if not just outright races of demons where they're lesser lifeform like the Kyklops from DMC1 and higher lifeforms of that same species like Phantom.

    DMC is no stranger to bringing back old ideas like enemies and weapons and fleshing them out in the lore like they did with King Cerberus, Faust, Gilgamesh, and etc so do you see them bringing back Lucifer? Is that what you would hope for? Maybe as an actual boss this time? How would you imagine Lucifer both for his role and his design in this series?

    Funny how Lucifer has more in common with the Faust enemy than the actual weapon based off of them, Dr. Faust.

    submitted by /u/KingDanteV
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    So question for people who can do combo mad like combos in dmc 3 and 4.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 07:33 PM PDT

    How long did it take you to learn all the techniques and combos? I see all these amazing combo mad videos. I love donguris stuff. I wanna be able to do all these combos. When i try to do some cool stuff on my own it just looks like im hopping around and sometimes doing a basic combo on someone. I wanna be able to do donguri stuff (well not exactly donguri because im pretty sure only donguri can do that stuff) but i wanna do stuff that looks cool like donguri. How long would it take to learn this stuff?

    submitted by /u/The_Purest_Boi
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    DMC and Monster Hunter World

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 09:26 PM PDT

    So in MH:W, there's an event quest you can run to get Dante's DMC 1 jacket and such, along with the weapon. It looks great, except for the weapon. It's a charge blade, so it can swap forms as you build power. It goes from the Force Edge to the Alastor, which is kinda disappointing. I was hoping it would change into the Sparda, seeing as how the Sparda is way bigger and even more vicious. A charge blade's power form is normally a supersized axe, which would make some sense. Really needed to rant about this.

    submitted by /u/Sherlockian24
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    Vergil sin Devil trigger

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 01:58 PM PDT

    Hey guys new to the sub nice to meet you all . my question is related to Vergil in dmc 5 apparently he has changed dt which is helwa lot similar to Dante's sin dt but according to the wiki only Dante possess sin dt mode . So with the hell is this??

    submitted by /u/davi_boi
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    Did Sparda kill ........

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 07:32 PM PDT

    Did Sparda kill Eva or not ?
    So I was replaying dmc 3, and before Lady shoots Arkham he goes into a monologue about how "Even Sparda sacrificed a woman to be a legend" which I believe is Eva (she was not named then) and he says it's not fair that for killing one human (his wife) he is hunted by Lady. In dmc 5 however, Eva was killed by the demons sent by Mundus.
    Am I getting this right or am I mistaken somehow ? Was the woman who Sparda sacrificed not Eva ?

    submitted by /u/Fireguy3
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    Why is Vergil a fan favorite?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 03:38 PM PDT

    He seems to be more popular than Dante which all the hype towards him

    submitted by /u/JadydemFang
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    (Spoilers) Trickster on Devil Hunter

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 11:48 AM PDT

    So I just finished my first run through of DMC 5 on Devil Hunter. I stuck with Swordmaster initially but after mission 15, I switched to Trickster mostly and it made the game a breeze. I defeated King Cerberus (still had to use a good orb because he had a sliver of health while I died) & V's creatures pretty easily. Even Virgil, I just used 1 gold orb and beat him on my first try with Trickster. But on Nero, I had to use like 2 gold orbs + 2 red orb retries because it was just so damn hard.

    Tldr : trickster rocks. El donte is strong af.

    submitted by /u/moar_positivity
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    Why did Vergil say "foolishness"?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 10:15 PM PDT

    As a nonnative English speaker, I've been trying to learn English for a long while. But when I play the franchise of DMC including dmc3 amd dmc5, Vergil always says "foolishness" instead of "foolish". Can anyone enlighten me?

    submitted by /u/Blue-Espeon
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    Anybody know games that have similar shooting to DMC?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 10:11 PM PDT

    I love the shooting in dmc everything about it. 3rd person, fast, and the way you can move around with dante really makes it enjoyable. Dmc 3 really made gunslinging amazing and I think dmc 5 has really done a great job of pushing that even further.

    Sometimes I go into practice mode and just blast away or go through missions only using guns because it feels so good to jump around and shoot quickly with the pistols. But honestly the range of guns in 5 really adds a whole new layer of fun to it.

    I'm open to all kinds of platforms although I'm mainly ps4 and switch. I can do emulation on an okay laptop. I love classic games though and am open to the jankiest shitty games as long as they somewhat scratch the gunslinging itch of dmc.

    Gungrave looks interesting and pretty similar, other stuff like that?

    submitted by /u/pucksrage
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    Me and the doggos

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 09:26 PM PDT

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