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    Tuesday, February 9, 2021

    Devil May Cry Tech Talk Tuesday! Let's talk tech!

    Devil May Cry Tech Talk Tuesday! Let's talk tech!

    Tech Talk Tuesday! Let's talk tech!

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 03:00 AM PST

    It's Tuesday which means it's time for Tech Talk! Made any new discoveries? Need some help? This is the right place!

    **(This section will be updated continuously. It's a work in progress.)**

    ##Guides That Might Help

    #Devil May Cry 3

    [DMC3 Jump Cancelling Tutorial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Lyqo4B0pm4)

    [SSStylish DMC3 Videos](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPzUSH_3x-XP_5_qH_Oq-dty9_7FowcSN)

    #Devil May Cry 4

    [DMC4 Dante Guide](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=382466026)

    [DMC4 Nero Guide](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=122408511)

    [DMC4 Vergil Guide](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=940300052)

    [2bepower's DMC4 Dante Guide](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wh1nKT8G0Ro)

    [SSStylish DMC4 Videos](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPzUSH_3x-XMU2bVLXp6DPlE_VnbAWfnn)

    #Devil May Cry 5

    [DMC5 Nero Guide](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1687831492)

    [DMC5 Dante Guide](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1743588803)

    [DMC5 Ultimate Parry Guide & Showcase](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1916287413)

    [SSStylish DMC5 Videos](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPzUSH_3x-XOfJ0NuVg2V6U4byRS6K10G)

    [Conqvist Guides DMC5 Videos](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6eOflGUUlHgYdN2KNz4KxXxJOZuPHp8X)

    #Various DMC Games

    [Compiled YouTube Playlist of Various Tech](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPgqfEca-8OpIagN449oPf7hsR728PIr0)

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
    [link] [comments]

    Guys, Owen posted this today and I am very shocked and preoccupied. If you follow him on ig, you might know he's already going through tough times in his life. But now he needs our support more than ever. Please let's all unite and give him at least some encouraging words

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 01:42 PM PST

    After S ranking all modes I'm trying to clean up my combos. How's this looking? Any tips would be nice.

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 05:24 PM PST

    Dante is team godzilla

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 08:45 PM PST

    If you had the power to wield one, which would you chose

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 10:43 AM PST

    Royalguard flying at incredible hihg speed is very fun

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 01:49 PM PST

    Vergil be like:

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 02:48 AM PST

    A devil in the light

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 05:40 PM PST

    Yo guys, so im a Noob/beginner and come up with this" combo" and like to see what you guys think

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 04:47 AM PST

    Who's The Storm Now Vergil? (The timing lined up too great, and the combo wasn't that bad either imo)

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 01:50 PM PST

    I perfect Royal Released a Fury and I'm proud of it

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 08:49 AM PST

    Are you motivated brother!?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 10:32 PM PST

    First crack at Royal Guard only vs Vergil (It's on DH so don't get your hopes up)

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 10:07 AM PST

    just realized how small Vergil's head is in dmc4

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 11:12 PM PST

    Saul "Dante" goodman

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 02:27 AM PST

    Nero has an unused taunt animation! Was messing around with the Taunt Selector from SSSiyan's Collab Cheat Trainer when I saw it as an option.

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 06:52 PM PST

    Thought this was cool the face of Nero (Karlo Baker) also saw some similarities between me and Nero!

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 06:16 AM PST

    Everybody Gangster til Quantum Ranger says "Slay All"

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 05:06 AM PST

    Some reflexions about V and Vergil Gameplay now that i replay vergil since DMC3SE and why i don't realy think V is necessarly the basis for a summoner archetype in DMC.

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 12:02 PM PST

    First of all I have to say that i quite enjoy V gameplay, it is flawed that's for sure, but it is pretty refreshing and seems very original compare to say what nero was in 4 for instance while being familiar enough that it is clearly DMC, and I would like to see his gameplay expanded in futur games.

    Second i must i've been realy amaze at how similar on a base level V mechanics and Vergil mechanics where similar and echoed each other.... Both are the only characters that can simultaneously use range attack and close quarter attack, both have a gameplay oriented arround teleporting towards ennemy to realy submerge them with attack, both have a sort of concentration mechanics that emphasis the of being calm among the danger and kinda limit your mobility, V trough his book reading that become realy efficient only if you are close the ennemy and force him to walk, and Vergil with the concentration mechanics that put emphasis on intentionnality and forbid running arround ennemies.... and both have a DT that don't heal them but summoned an ally that help him doing more DPS....

    Where i am getting at is that even though i believe V indeed started his life as a concept of new playable summoner in DMC, i believe that when they decided that it will actually be Vergil's humanity, they rework his gameplay so that it echoes more the one of vergil and to sort of reflect the idea that V is a weaken Vergil... Don't get me wrong V is still his own thing but all those parallèle in the gameplay, make me feel he is still suppose to be a mirror of vergil rather than a completly new archetpye, and I feel Vergil gameplay in 5SE is kinda the natural evolution of V gameplay, and that a true summoner gameplay would be diverge significantly from what V currently is.

    submitted by /u/N4rNar
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    I spent a surprisingly long time editing the ending of a hate video about DmC Vergil and want to know if it has the right energy. Appreciate any ideas.

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 05:27 PM PST

    I've been receving this for the past week or so everytime i pause, does any one know how to fix this?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 01:20 PM PST

    Should Vergil's face have look the same as Dante's in DMC5?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 04:56 PM PST

    I know twins don't always look identical, but I wonder what it would've been like had Dante and Vergil shared the same face model. They had the same face in the 3rd game, so.......

    submitted by /u/Big_Boyo45
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    Feels bad man

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 07:01 PM PST

    Died on dante's bp on lvl 96

    submitted by /u/Porunga_Z_The_Second
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    Waiting for him to tell me if and when he got hit in our DO NOT GET HIT challenge. LOL

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 01:37 PM PST

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