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    Wednesday, September 23, 2020

    Devil May Cry Wednesday Q&A Megathread - Ask your questions here!

    Devil May Cry Wednesday Q&A Megathread - Ask your questions here!

    Wednesday Q&A Megathread - Ask your questions here!

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 07:32 AM PDT

    To help our users get their many questions answered, we have implemented weekly Wednesday Q&A megathreads!


    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Checkmate, Legendary Deadweight

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 12:21 PM PDT

    No demon must escape (Art by TinaFate1)

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 03:42 AM PDT


    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 01:12 PM PDT

    DMC5:SE motivated me enough to draw my favorite character!

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 12:15 PM PDT

    Devils Crying? Impossible.

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 12:20 PM PDT

    Has anyone here read Ava's Demon? art:by me

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 05:37 PM PDT

    This is why vergil didn't wanted to debut as playable

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 02:57 PM PDT

    Mr steal your hand

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 11:00 AM PDT

    Vergil stealing the show

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 09:51 AM PDT

    I got this at a flea market a few days ago. This is my first DMC game and I've been enjoying it a lot!

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 06:17 PM PDT


    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 12:06 PM PDT


    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 11:14 PM PDT

    [Cosplay] Vergil Cosplay - hi guys, wanted to share this Pic with you guys that I've made :) Who can not wait for DMC 5 on Ps5 ? And how many fans of Vergil are in here ? Anyway hope you guys like it :)

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 09:41 AM PDT

    I AM THE STORM THAT IS APPROACHING | Play Arts Kai Vergil (Photography)

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 04:54 PM PDT

    I took this screenshot on my school computer, and it was worth it. top 10 on trending, heck yeah.

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 06:52 PM PDT

    Never Touching the ground, Nero vs Vergil... DMD (63 Seconds)

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 08:42 AM PDT

    Do the last 2 minutes of this song make anyone else feel like this

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 05:05 AM PDT

    Only veterans can remember

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 08:27 AM PDT

    Devil May Cry 5 - Robed Classic Vergil Outfit

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 11:50 AM PDT

    Big Vergil Nerd's Stupidly in Depth Trailer Analysis™ (fr this post is long)

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 05:35 PM PDT

    Hey gamers so there have been like a million different analysis videos for the DMC5SE trailer but none of the ones I saw really go into a lot of detail about Vergil's moveset and a bunch of people here have been asking about him, so I figured I'd share what I found and my theories as a nerd with something like 500 hours played with Vergil in DMC3&4 lmao

    literal essay incoming, get ready motivated

    - Concentration Gauge is back, woopee. It looks like it's been expanded quite a bit from DMC4SE, because Vergil's afterimage is far more visibly apparent and you can see him doing 2 Judgement cuts at once while the afterimage is active at the very end of the trailer. This system was kinda trash in DMC4SE as it mostly just asked you to stop moving for a few seconds to unlock Vergil's real moveset. Hopefully it's been changed to be less annoying and restrictive.

    - Speaking of controversial parts of his kit in DMC4, embedded swords are back. I like Vergil in DMC3 a lot but I vastly prefer grim trick and its cancels over trick up, so I'm pretty happy this is back tbh. We don't see a whole lot of teleporting in the trailer so there's a chance it might get overhauled a bit in 5, but the thing I'm really worried about is trick down; if it's locked to DT in 4 and he doesn't have a real DT in 5 (more on that in a moment), is it just gone? It's probably the most important tool he has aside from grim trick in DMC4 so it would be real bad if it was gone. It's possible they listened to criticism about it's restriction in DMC4 and changed it, but the concentration gauge of all things is back so I'm not incredibly confident about that lmao

    - His Sin Devil Trigger form is almost guaranteed to be a proper SDT transformation like Dante's. When Vergil pops it in the trailer there's a giant explosion that fills the screen for like a full second, then knocks every single enemy around Vergil into the air. It also puts a blue field over the level, similar to what Dante's SDT transformation does. (See here - Dante's kinda blends into the level, but it's definitely there) This would be ridiculous for just pressing the L1 button once lol. Additionally you can actually see Vergil mid transformation for a few frames (right here - pause the video and press the < and > keys to move frame by frame (sorry mobile users just trust me lol), you can just barely see Vergil's form changing as the blue field envelops the arena) during a combo without going through the big transform animation, likely meaning he has some variant of Dante's Quadruple S skill. It would be dope if it was tied to the concentration gauge rather than the style meter, because it would make filling the gauge feel more like a reward than a necessity. Maybe it could activate from S-SSS instead of just SSS while at full concentration? It would be like a more powerful and less restrictive version of Quadruple S, perfect for Vergil.

    - In that case, what is his regular DT? Proooooobably Doppelganger, which is kinda lame. I'm pretty sure about this for a few reasons; first of all, Vergil had an animation for summoning it, but sometimes it comes out instantaneously - the animation only played when he was standing still, just like Dante and Nero, and it also lasts about as long as Nero's DT animation. Additionally Vergil is in human form when he activates V's super move and being able to activate what looks like a full on screen clear outside of Devil Trigger is nuts, so it's more likely he had Doppelganger active and it was just off screen. If this is the case, then the doppelganger is probably his DT. Plus if he had the DT from the concept art I'm confident they would have showed it in the trailer, it's too cool to leave out of a trailer that's meant to sell people on buying Vergil's DLC. I hope I'm wrong on this, as Vergil without Devil Trigger just doesn't feel right, but he likely wouldn't play too differently even if he had it.

    - His transformation into V is absolutely just a super move. V starts doing his big goofy floating dance before Nightmare has even finished spawning in the background, and having Vergil transform into what is probably the least liked playable character in the series as a gameplay mechanic is a pretty horrible idea imo. I don't really have anything else other than "NiGhtMarE DidN't tOucH tHe GroUnD And V bAd" but I'm confident nonetheless.

    - Doppelganger will be SICK. I know most of you guys don't like DmC and almost certainly haven't seen combo videos from it, but Vergin is unironically one of the deepest characters in the series because of his Doppelganger (deadass watch this video, its rad as fuck) and Vergil looks like he'll have a similar level of command over it in DMC5. Everyone noticed that sometimes its delayed for like half a second and sometimes it's synced up perfectly, but I haven't seen anyone point out that there's a shot where the Doppelganger is a decent distance away from Vergil while still copying his moves meaning we might be able to pull off some cuhrayzee stuff with it. Hopefully this lives up to its potential because it could easily make Vergil the most technical character in the game.

    - Weapon switching is probably dead which isn't great, but I don't think it'll be as big a deal as some people think so long as the most important parts of Force Edge and Beowulf's kit get replaced somehow; Beowulf's Killer Bee & Starfall and Force Edge's air Stinger, Helm Breaker, High Time and Round Trip were the most important parts of their movesets and while there's no way they all get replaced (and this honestly isn't a bad thing, I want Vergil in DMC5 to play differently to how he did in DMC4, just like DMC4 Vergil was wildly different from DMC3 Vergil) some of them can be emulated by the Yamato pretty easily. Replacing high time is as easy as removing the end lag from Yamato's launcher, Helm Breaker is already in the Yamato's moveset now, Round Trip could be a summoned sword formation and air Stinger could be emulated with aerial Rapid Slash god Itsuno please let me have aerial Rapid Slash I'm begging you

    - There ARE new animations. The animation where Vergil stabs himself and turns into V is not ripped from the cutscene, I literally checked them both frame by frame because quarantine has ruined me and I have nothing better to do. The way he moved his arm is different and he has none of the head movement that he had in the cutscene. Additionally there's no way on earth any self respecting developer would release playable Vergil after a year and a half of fans begging for him and have his only taunt be raising his sword and saying "You mock me!" every single time you press the taunt button, there's just no fucking way lol. There's no way to gauge just how many new animations there will be and if there'll be full on new moves, but there will definitely be new animations.

    - Bury the Light is the best song in the series

    submitted by /u/vendrys
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    Anyone have a higher resolution image of this?

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 10:38 AM PDT

    The King is dead!!! Long live the King!!! DMD

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 05:32 PM PDT

    The Meaning Behind Dantes Coin In DMC 2

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 05:58 PM PDT

    So I bought the Devil May Cry anime after years of saying I would and I noticed Morrison uses a coin much like the one Dante used. He uses it to settle arguments with Dante and it seems it happens often. That said I wonder if sometime after the anime but before Devil May Cry 2 Morrison died and Dante decided to keep the coin as a keep sake. This is where it gets interesting the original Morrison had blonde hair and a pastel white complexion while the Morrison in DMC 5 is dark skinned, is there a chance he died and got brought back using the body of someone who died? The coin link to Morrison would also explain Dante's less then happy attitude. We assumed it was cause of Vergil but honestly it already been years since the dMC 3 event.

    submitted by /u/SwordOMighty
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    Bury the Light x Devil Trigger Mashup

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 01:03 PM PDT

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