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    Monday, June 1, 2020

    Devil May Cry Meme Monday! You are free to shitpost!

    Devil May Cry Meme Monday! You are free to shitpost!

    Meme Monday! You are free to shitpost!

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 07:33 AM PDT

    It's time for shitposts! Spread whatever you've made up for people to laugh and enjoy!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    DMC2 Dante has the best line in the series

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 09:29 AM PDT

    Me when my friend says he wants to play DMC 2

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 02:56 PM PDT

    nothing to see here brother

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 06:03 AM PDT

    Ebony & Ivory

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 12:02 AM PDT

    Dante after I modded Devil May cry

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 12:28 PM PDT

    First meme I'm posting, the art provided in this picture is not mine, this is a mere add onto an already good meme, please be kind

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 06:32 PM PDT


    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 11:23 AM PDT

    What's Nero doing in Yakuza 5?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 11:31 AM PDT

    You see you think your a devil hunter!

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 11:47 AM PDT

    DMC1 is underrated, and superior to its sequels in some aspects

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 03:22 PM PDT

    Just finished playing through the HD Collection and DMC4 (haven't touched 5 yet). Playing them back to back made me realize how special the first game was, and not just for nostalgic reasons. It's amazing how much they got right. Some of these ideas I wish they'd kept for the sequels, and I'm genuinely disappointed they didn't.

    Like the presentation, for example. Not just the ambiance, though that's terrific as well, I mean the general look and feel of the game. The title screen, the intuitive menus, the enemy bestiary, those little animations that play when you select a gun or devil arms (a tiny touch that adds so much character), everything has a visually pleasing effect that's hard to define. It feels like the game was designed by someone with good artistic sensibilities, who cares about the little details and impressions and such. Compare that to DMC3's menu, which isn't much fun to browse, and more complicated than it needs to be, imo.

    Speaking of the enemy bestiary, have you seen how long those descriptions can get? Enemy design was way more complex in the first game. Even low-tier enemies could be unpredictable and surprise you with an uncommon move. Observing them and learning what makes them tick was satisfying. It encouraged strategy. They felt more than just combo fodder. No idea why the sequels didn't iterate on that instead of making them a bit simpler (with some exceptions). Just imagine if they improved on that aspect, what if...

    What about level design? A common complaint is that there's too many narrow corridors. I really don't get why that's a bad thing (besides, the whole game doesn't take place in claustrophobic rooms, there's plenty of open space as well, a healthy mix of both I'd say) since it also favours strategy. Fighting in a cramped space is very different from fighting in a large arena. You don't use the same moves, the same weapons, react differently, etc. You must adapt to the situation, which brings some variety. Seriously, why is this considered a bad thing? In the third game, tight spaces are rare. In the fourth game, they're pretty much non-existent, like it's taboo or something. Always fighting in the same type of environment is a bit boring, to be honest.

    I feel like difficulty was just right too. Great mission lenght which allowed to play in small bursts. Enough downtime between bosses. You get weapons quite early and can experiment. Lack of continue is a bit jarring, but I think the difficulty feels fair even without that feature, so it's not really needed. Good balance overall. By comparison, I couldn't even finish DMC3 before the special edition (yes, I'm a casual player, I know).

    I get why people think it's dated. Yes, some of the design choices haven't aged well. Yes, control isn't perfect. Yes, weapon variety is so-so. And yes, the sequels improved many of these aspects. But some of the magic didn't quite carry over. DMC1 is a unique entry even for its own series.

    submitted by /u/stellux24
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    Dan Southworth (Vergil) has a jawline sharp enough to rival Yamato

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 12:33 AM PDT

    Kinda rusty DMD Vergil bullying

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 07:19 AM PDT

    Stupid question but...

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 06:08 PM PDT

    So I'm new to the series and decided to play DMC5 since it was available on GamePass. I finished it on Human but decided to give anther go and made it all the way to Vergil on Son of Sparda. Now after 6 hours and countless deaths, I can't seem to get him below 50%. I just think I haven't leveled Dante up enough.

    Now onto my question. If I decided to scrap this game play and start fresh, will I lose all the upgrades I've already done? I can't seem to find the answer anywhere.

    submitted by /u/BioHazard869
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    What’s something about the devil may cry series that has always seemed weird/odd to you?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 03:52 PM PDT

    I'm curious of what the answers may be.

    There's nothing I find personally odd about the series, at least not any I haven't come to terms with and am ok with.

    submitted by /u/triel20
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    C H E E S E on M11 Hell and Hell

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 11:03 AM PDT

    The best bad DMC joke Ive ever read

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 07:51 PM PDT

    Watching DMC content on Youtube, as one does, and its a DMC Retrospective video by The Gaming Brit Show. The top comment was;

    Dante should open a bakery shop and name it...

    "Devil Make Rye"

    Never heard it before but Vito C 3 years ago bestowed this blessed textual to the world

    submitted by /u/DrBeefcake777
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    Follow 1UpFritz

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 05:56 PM PDT

    Currently streaming Devil May Cry 5 on Twitch! Let's chat and talk about whatever! Thanks so much!

    submitted by /u/ChiChi_Kayy
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    【DMC3SE/DMC4SE/DMC5】 - 【FREESTYLE MAD: "THE EXECUTIONERS"】(Premieres today at 20:00 GMT)

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 10:15 AM PDT

    Devil May Cry 5 - Mission 14 (Devil Hunter)

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 11:29 AM PDT

    If V's part of Vergil, why is he a young man and not the same age as papa Vergil?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 08:00 PM PDT

    I don't have any theories to back this up. It's just a random question that popped up in my mind while I was watching a movie.

    If it explains why in Visions of V, please let me know! I haven't had access to it yet.

    submitted by /u/atiredfool
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    DMC4 DMD Frost Problem (Vergil)

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 11:47 AM PDT

    Just decided to boot up DMC4 again , & do Vergil runs for fun. Can't say I'm a fan, because of how peculiar his flow is. I know he has a devastating set of tools, but some things seem very situational to me.

    Frosts are the biggest headaches so far, especially when they DT. I know I can freeze em with raining swords, & uppercut to death, but does anyone know a quicker, more reliable way of stunning them?

    If I'm out of concentration, with little DT & multiple Frosts, what's a consistent strategy? Standing around to build concentration is 50/50.

    Out of all the characters, I find it most troublesome with Vergil, without any meter. Reliable tips are most welcome, thanks.

    submitted by /u/HeraldofSithis
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    If a new playable Devil Hunter was introduced in DMC6, what would you want from him/her gamplay and or character wise?

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 07:05 PM PDT

    I think I've finally narrowed down the most critical problem in V's gameplay design in DMC 5.

    Posted: 31 May 2020 09:39 PM PDT

    I think we can all agree that V's gameplay is definitely the weakest of the trio in DMC 5, but even though that is the case, I personally could not piece together what was the most critical problem with it. There is of course the other detrimental problems to his gameplay; the lack of variety with his movesets, the fact that he doesn't get new spells, weapons, or familiars throughout the course of the game, and the fact that a character who's gameplay is suppose to be tactical lacks tactical commands.

    But even Nero had similar problems back in DMC 4 yet he was more fun to play as in that game, so what about V's gameplay doesn't make him as fun to play as DMC 4 Nero despite both suffering from those same issues? Well, after playing as V for a bit more and analyzing his gameplay from top to bottom, I think I finally figured it out his biggest problem, and it may not be as apparent to me as it is to you.

    But before I get into it, I want to talk about a similar problem Final Fantasy had for a bit that sheds some light on this. Final Fantasy had this problem in past with trying to fuse Real-Time Combat with strategic elements and trying to get that perfect blend of it, but only managing to strike the middle-grounds seen in both FF12 and FF13. Though I have yet to play the FF7 Remake, playing the demo alone gave me the impression that they finally got that perfect blend.

    On the other hand, when looking at V's gameplay in DMC 5, it seems like Capcom wanted to make V's gameplay tactical and strategic in the sense of a Pokemon/Final Fantasy game in real-time but always had that reminder that this is a Devil May Cry game they were making, and Devil May Cry is a hacn'n'slash series with high-octane moment to moment gameplay, not a slow and strategic strategy game. The problem is that they tried to take both those elements and fuse them together in V's gameplay and, just like with FF12 and FF13, got this weird middle ground.

    For example, V's gameplay is suppose to be tactical, right? So how come he doesn't have tactical commands? You have no control over the movements of his familiars, sometimes Shadow will strike at an enemy but will be nowhere near them, and only randomly will he actually teleport next to the targeted enemy before initiating his attacks. Having a command that teleports Shadow near an enemy would fix that issue.

    Another example is if an enemy is about to perform an area of effect attack, the only way to get Shadow and Griffon away from the blast radius is to get V far away from said enemy, then dodge to the side to recall Shadow and dodge backwards to recall Griffon, never-mind that these maneuvers can interrupt their charge-up attacks. Again, having a command that recalls them back to you would've fixed this issue.

    In other words, V's gameplay in DMC 5 suffers from an identity crisis (Kind of fitting when you consider who he really is), Capcom couldn't decide if they wanted it to be traditional hack'n'slash or real-time strategy and tried to do both, eventually getting this weird middle ground that is awkward and clunky to control, at least on SOS and higher. However, Nero in DMC 4 was more fun to play as solely because his gameplay was only focused on being hack'n'slash and hack'n'slash alone, despite having the same problems as V at the time with lack of variety.

    So if I were Capcom, or Itsuno, I wouldn't have designed V's gameplay to be both hack'n'slash and real-time strategy, I would've picked one or the other and stuck with it, and considering what V's character and design was all about, I would've just stuck with real-time strategy, I would've made it so that Shadow and Griffon attacked enemies on their own, you would use Square to command Griffon to attack a targeted enemy automatically, use triangle to command Shadow to attack his own enemy, use the D-pad to for tactical commands i.e Recall, Advance, and so on, and give more abilities to do with his cane, like magic spells and such.

    So what are your thoughts? Do you agree that V's gameplay suffers from this issue? Do you disagree and think that V's gameplay is perfectly fine the way it is? Or do you have some other method you would use to influence his gameplay design to your choosing?

    submitted by /u/ArmigerKnight
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