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    Monday, November 11, 2019

    Devil May Cry Weekly Q&A Megathread - Ask your questions here!

    Devil May Cry Weekly Q&A Megathread - Ask your questions here!

    Weekly Q&A Megathread - Ask your questions here!

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 06:33 AM PST

    To help our users get their many questions answered, we have implemented weekly Q&A megathreads.


    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    I just don’t like your cord, that’s all.

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 12:35 PM PST

    Every third post be like...

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 09:33 AM PST

    Dante Vs Diablo

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 02:39 PM PST

    So this is happening at this moment XD

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 05:23 AM PST

    Death Stranding, But your misson is to deliver pizza in hell with your brother,

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 06:11 PM PST

    Doomslayer VS Dante anyone?

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 06:33 AM PST

    Going through my physics notes only to spot a familiar face in the section about power

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 07:08 AM PST

    Ragtime and Charge Shots make for some fun delayed explosion combos

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 03:42 PM PST

    This level is...curious

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 08:09 AM PST

    Is there anyway to dodge that giant demon guy’s angel blast thing in DMC 3? I’ve been trying to beat him for a while but have been unable to dodge nor can I block it with flicker. Is it just impossible to dodge?

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 06:18 PM PST

    My drawing of DMC4 Nero

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 01:11 AM PST

    Safe to say. I Choked.

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 06:35 AM PST

    A sequel to DmC may not happen anymore (judging by the sales comparison with DMC5)

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 03:41 AM PST

    The developers may have wanted a sequel to DmC. But if we talk about the higher ups at Capcom, then I don't think that they'll be looking forward to continue with DmC's continuity at all. Just look at the sales comparison between DmC and DMC5.

    1. When DmC came out, it sold 1.2 million copies at first. And then it took 5 years for DmC (Just the original version. Not Definitive Edition version) to sell 2.4 million copies. And of course that Capcom stated that the sales of the original game were "solid". But they also noted that the game did not catch Eastern gamers' attention and made less than its previous iteration, DMC4 which sold 3 million copies (Again, just the original version. Not Special Edition version). Don't know about the sales record for both Definitive Edition version of DmC and Special Edition version of DMC4.

    2. When DMC5 came out, it sold 2 million copies at first (that was just in less than 2 weeks which makes DMC5 the fastest selling 2 million copies in the DMC franchise). And it's been only 9 months since DMC5 was released but it already outsold DmC by selling 2.7 million copies (Capcom just updated the sales record of DMC5 in their official website on November 7, 2019).

    So imagine how much DMC5 will sell in a few years compared to DmC's 2.4 million copies record in 5 years. And if DMC5: Special Edition happens (which is possible), then we can safely assume that the sales difference between DmC: Definitive Edition and DMC5: Special Edition will be somehow similar to the sales difference between their original versions.

    And what would probably happen in a few years after DMC5 just sold 2.7 million copies? First of all, I say that DMC5 will easily become the best selling DMC game of all time by outselling DMC4's total sales record (which is 3 million copies) very soon. Second, after DMC5 will sell as much as it can after a few years, I think that it'll be hard for any other future DMC game to top DMC5's total sales record. Of course that it might still be possible for any future DMC game to outsell DMC5's total sales record, but I do believe that it's gonna be hard to do that anyway.

    So after all of this, Capcom (especially the higher ups at Capcom) may not be looking forward to continue with DmC's continuity anymore. Besides, Capcom told about DMC5 several times already that the sales of DMC5 was a huge success in the franchise. They also said that the sales of DMC5 has revigorated the franchise. So in that case, I don't think that a sequel to DmC is gonna happen at all because it's pretty much clear now that DMC is completely back compared to DmC's continuity.

    submitted by /u/SonofSparda80
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    Concept art for the cover...

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 11:28 PM PST

    Now I'm not surprised Vergil usually blocks a rose

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 05:00 PM PST

    Finally played DmC, have some thoughts (TL:DR at bottom)

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 01:10 PM PST


    Regular combat is pretty standard fare, and Rebellion keeps things smooth and stylish, with lots of easy-set up combos.

    The Angel Mode / Demon mode is a pretty neat mechanic, allowing you to change tactics as your enemies do, and alter the way you play. The different weapons each provide a satisfying style of demon-killing, and a decently extensive moveset

    Unfortunately, the weapon swapping while in the respective modes is relegated to the redheaded stepchild of every controller, the D-Pad, which wouldn't be as much of a problem if you didn't have your fingers glued to the triggers / evade button and a thumb on each stick, and I ended up using the same weapons for almost the entire game. That said, this becomes kind of moot if you change your mapping or have a pro controller, so it's not a total wash

    My only other issue with the mode-swapping is enemies with strong recoil while in the wrong mode (Looking at you, Blood/Ghost Rage), which in close quarters, forces you to focus on juggling to avoid being left wide open if you graze the wrong enemy with an attack.

    On the topic of enemies, they're decently well-designed, and provide their own set of challenges, but as the game progresses, sets of multiple types of enemies with high hit-stun / DT phases can make even lower difficulties pretty dang challenging, especially when there are several enemies you normally need to devote your attention to.

    The platforming and traversal was decent, but I ended up losing a lot of health because I absolutely suck at platforming

    The boss fights (barring Vergil) were, in my opinion, the most fun parts of the game, and definitely succeeded in both making me feel like a badass, and incorporating unique environments and mechanics to keep it interesting. The Barbas fight in particular had me not only laughing my ass off with the swapped camera perspectives and mid-battle minion fights, but kept me on my toes, with the increasingly strong attack phases invoking a sense of urgency.

    Having mentioned Vergil, his combat felt much more streamlined, except when a Ravager and its giant hitbox mess up my Judgement cuts. The summon swords were super useful for disabling / stalling certain enemies, and unleashing a huge barrage was pretty satisfying. Also, real talk, fuck Wisps.

    Lastly, the level scoring seemed to be a bit at odds with itself- because while exploration and completion grants a lot of extra points, I rarely ranked above a D for time, even when running right through a mission with little to no exploration.


    While I did enjoy the fresh take of a demon-ruled, dystopian police state, a lot of the plot and character development felt rushed, which could've been pretty well alleviated by just... making the game longer, letting Dante and Kat develop more organically, and the same could be done with Vergil, giving him a more gradual descent into suspicious behaviour that culminates with his heel-turn rather than a few asshole moments and a last-second swan dive into a "greater good" type villain.

    The dialogue is less than spectacular, but there are still plenty of funny and memorable moments, for better or worse, and it does, to an extent, fit well to the tone they wanted to present.


    I really don't have much for criticism here, because, from an aesthetics standpoint, they knew what they wanted and did a pretty good job executing it. The city really is being twisted and destroyed by demonic forces, and the Doom-Esque soundtrack, setpieces, and backgrounds don't let you forget it for a second. Also, I love those dumb little spider things crawling around everywhere, as well as the little touches of limbo infecting things as you walk past.

    The fleshy, gruesome bosses match pretty well to their gross actions and agendas. Can you tell I'm running out of steam? Bc I can.

    TL:DR: DmC is an entirely different entity from the main line of DMC games, and should be remembered as such. Its writing (specifically character development and dialogue) is a bit underwhelming, and some of the mechanics are clunky at times, but it's still a well-crafted, visually interesting, and fun game.

    submitted by /u/Sunnyboigaming
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    Lady Charge Shot Inertia Bayonet Drift

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 09:02 AM PST

    New weapon idea but I don’t know who should have it

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 11:46 AM PST

    I had this idea for one of the Sparda twins to have a Chain Scythe or Shuriken weapons. Personally I feel maybe Vergil should have the shurikens.

    submitted by /u/BLACKREEE95
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    Modders of DMC5

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 10:07 AM PST

    I want to change Dante's effects (and later on vergil) to a different color,I've seen mods with white DT Color,and DSD and I know The Flair Dante change most of the colors for Dante. What tools does one needs and how does one go about it? I've very new to modding DMC5 and want to create my own

    submitted by /u/MoltanKing
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    Favorite bosses?

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 05:05 PM PST

    Out of any of the devil may cry games (i can even consider the DmC: Devil may Cry game to count in this), what was your guy's all time, absolute favorite bosses to fight against?

    Sorry if this question has been asked already, but im just curious to know what you fellas enjoy fighting against.

    submitted by /u/tyler_wayford
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    Stronger sin devil trigger

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 02:34 PM PST

    If there was an even stronger devil trigger than the sin one, how would it be called and are we going to see it in DMC6?

    submitted by /u/General_Slowloadi
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    My other drawing of Dante (re-upload)

    Posted: 11 Nov 2019 06:33 AM PST

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