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    Monday, January 6, 2020

    Devil May Cry Weekly Q&A Megathread - Ask your questions here!

    Devil May Cry Weekly Q&A Megathread - Ask your questions here!

    Weekly Q&A Megathread - Ask your questions here!

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 06:33 AM PST

    To help our users get their many questions answered, we have implemented weekly Q&A megathreads.


    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    If humans worked like a trampoline this might actually work

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 07:59 AM PST

    Trish cosplay by @trisha_layons. Photo by @dzetarion

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 08:52 AM PST

    I'm the one with POWER!

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 09:24 AM PST

    Sin DT Dante inspired plush made by me!

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 02:04 PM PST

    Team Up (art by amarcus88LG)

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 07:01 PM PST

    Neros Secret Technique

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 02:43 AM PST

    DMC2 did nothing wrong

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 05:26 PM PST

    DMC2 = Big Brain Moment

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 07:47 AM PST

    The achievement Capcom was too scared to put in

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 10:33 AM PST

    Vergil Nendoroid with EX colours. (This was my first time making a custom nendo, but I learned a lot!

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 09:59 AM PST

    100 Most Handsome Faces in Video Game History (Guess who's #1)

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 11:09 AM PST

    This is curious

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 12:07 PM PST

    Knight of the Wind

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 08:24 PM PST

    Jason David Frank as Sparda

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 09:13 AM PST

    Lady by Strawderryst

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 08:43 PM PST

    The Many Similarities Between DMC5 and Sekiro (SPOILERS FOR BOTH)

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 08:03 PM PST

    So I recently got Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice and spent 107 hours (half of that was probably spent grinding though) into my first playthrough and beat the game (will start a new game plus real soon). With my 100 hours with the game I have noticed way too many similarities between the 2 games that it is uncanny.

    Starting with the obvious both main protagonists (Nero/Deadweight and Wolf/Sekiro) both wield interchangeable prosthetic arms. Sekiro like Nero has multiple interchangeable arms he can switch to on the fly and it comes with a grappling hook. Both characters loses their real arms in the beginning of the game to the main villain/antagonist of their games and replaces it with a prosthetic one.

    Mechanically Nero and Sekiro are actually very similar. One sword (a special core mechanic tied to that one sword Exceed/Deflecting), a bunch of interchangeable arms with unique features, a grappling hook. All Sekiro is missing is a gun and a Super Mode and Nero is missing Ninjutsu to make it a full parallel.

    Both characters at one point in the story must fight their dads (well in Sekiro's case his adopted dad) as a boss fight.

    There is a boss fight against a medieval/feudal soldier wielding a spear while riding on a horse (Elder Geryon/Gyoubu).

    There is also a boss fight against an giant ape like monstrosities (Goliath/Guardian Ape) with erratic and wild movements that both have AOE attacks that involve screaming and can throw shit (in the Guardian Ape's case LITERAL FECES) at you.

    Isshin The Sword Saint (the final boss of Sekiro) has a very similar katana fighting style to Vergil (who is also the final boss of DMC5). Also some of the Ashina combat arts are insanely Vergil like. I am aware they are probably both based off an actual katana fighting style. Iaido...Iaijutsu? I mean One Mind is basically Judgement Cut.

    Genichiro uses his Mortal Blade katana to sever himself and summon a younger version of Isshin to fight you. Very parallel to Vergil using Yamato to split himself into V and Urizen. Not entirely the same but the idea of using a katana on oneself to create another person or people is there.

    ShadowRush is basically Stinger.

    Both main plots heavily involve magical trees (the Qliphoth/the Divine Tree which is also the Divine Dragon).

    There are probably a few more things I am missing but that is all I know for now. If there is anymore let me know.

    I just find it funny that these games were announced at the exact same time (at the same Microsoft floor too at E3) and released in very close proximity to each other and bare so many similar aspects to one another. I wonder if Capcom and From Software devs were sharing notes over brunch or something.


    Both games despite their massive and critical success don't have any DLC. Don't feel ashame DMC fans we aren't alone in the struggle.

    submitted by /u/KingDanteV
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    Vergil's Too Slow ft Ragtime

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 02:25 PM PST

    What was that whole thing with DMC about?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 10:19 AM PST

    Did they just limply try to reboot the series, give up with the backlash, and make the 5th game? It seems like a weird culdesac of nonsense.

    submitted by /u/Blockofett
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    Happy Day of "Reyes Magos" Reddit

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 06:07 PM PST

    Happy Day of "Reyes Magos" Reddit

    Well, it's more like a late Christmas.

    Finally I have Dmc 5 and it is spectacular, the day of the trial arrived.

    the demonic hunt begins


    submitted by /u/ZaloTV
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    Anyone know any cool Nero (DMC5 version) phone wallpaper?

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 11:59 AM PST

    I don't care if its fan art. I looked online and all of them are just not cool enough to do it justice.

    submitted by /u/Smash96leo
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    First Draft of the DMC5 subclasses

    Posted: 06 Jan 2020 05:03 PM PST

    First Draft of the DMC5 subclasses

    I've recently finished DMC5 and with it the first try on D&D subclasses based on Nero, Dante, and V. Been a wild ride and now I can start the journey of actually getting good at the game. Anyway, Hope y'all enjoy it and feel free to offer any suggestions.

    Main concerns when designing Nero:

    • Ki management
    • Damage Output
    • Mobility
    • Comparability with official subclasses for Monk

    Monk Subclass (Nero)

    Way of the Devil Breaker

    Bonus Proficiencies:

    You become proficient in the Longsword, Battleaxe, Warhammer, Rapier, Scimitar and War Pick. These weapons are treated as Monk weapons for the purpose of martial arts and class features.

    Devil Breaker Arts:

    At 3rd Level, you learn the way to use your Ki to give Demons and Devils hell and make them cry. You learn two cantrips: the first cantrip can be Thorn Whip, Shocking Grasp or Primal Savagery. The second cantrip can be any cantrip that does not deal damage, such as Prestidigitation or Druidcraft. You can cast these cantrips like normal spells, your Spellcasting ability modifier is Wisdom and your Spell save and Ki save are the same.

    · Devil Breaker [Bonus Action]: After attacking with your Monk Weapon, you can spend 1 Ki Point to cast a melee spell cantrip or a non-damaging cantrip as a bonus action. When casting a non-damaging cantrip this way, the spell acts a Taunt against the target you attacked. The target must make a Charisma saving throw against your Spell save DC or must use their turn to attack you.

    · Break Away [Reaction]: When hit by an attack, you can use your Reaction to spend 2 Ki points to take half damage, however you cannot use any cantrips on your next turn. Break Away also can be used to immediately escape a grapple/restrained.

    Let's get Airborne:

    At 6th level, you can move through the air with style and panache. As long as your weapon is unsheathed, you can use your Bonus Action to jump up to 15 feet high and up to your movement speed away from where you jump. While you are jumping, this movement is treated as if you have disengaged and thusly are not susceptible to opportunity attacks. You must have at least 10 feet of vertical height to be able to use this feature. If you still have your attack action, you can choose to end the jump early to strike down on an enemy, you have advantage on this attack. If you are jumping toward a wall you can spend 1 Ki point to use a portion of your movement equal to the height of the wall to perform a second jump on the wall to climb it.

    Devil Trigger:

    At 11th Level, you embrace the power inside you and let it explode into a new more powerful form. Once per long rest, you can activate your Devil Trigger (DT) for 1 minute with a Bonus Action. While in this state, you have resistance to slashing, piercing, bludgeoning damage. When you gain this feature, you also choose which of the Nine Hells or place in the Abyss this form comes from, this affects the last resistance you gain in this form and cannot be changed (IE Fire, Cold, Acid, Poison, Lightning, etc.). Additionally, while in your DT form, you are treated as if being under the Freedom of Movement spell and removes the penalty of using Break Away, allowing you to continue using your cantrips. You recharge your DT after a long rest.

    Break Age:

    At 17th Level, your mastery of Devil Breaker Arts has reached their pinnacle.

    · You can now use Devil Breaker Taunt without spending Ki

    · You gain an additional Devil Breaker cantrip

    · You can now super charge your Devil Breaker Arts: You may spend your Action and 5 Ki points to perform a Break Age. The cantrip that is super charged affects what spell the Break Age becomes:

    o Thorn Whip Break Age: Black Tentacles

    o Shocking Grasp Break Age: Wall of Lightning (Wall of Fire)

    o Primal Savagery Break Age: Blight

    · Unless you are in your DT, you cannot use your cantrips until the end of your next turn.

    Possible change(s) under consideration:

    Adding a Devil Arts Focus: at the end of a short or long rest, you craft a number of small focuses linked to your Ki equal to your Wisdom modifier, you use these to cast your devil breaker spells with Ki, when you take damage, make a concentration check, if you fail the focus breaks. The focus automatically breaks when you use Break Away or Break Age.

    Main Concerns when designing Dante:

    • Making the Style system compatible and user-friendly in D&D
    • Balancing Dante's Styles
    • Comparability and Differentiating the subclass to the Hexblade Warlock

    Warlock Subclass

    Uncanny Heritage

    Uncanny Heritage Expanded Spell List:


    1st: Stinger*, Compelled Duel

    2nd: Blur, Levitate

    3rd: Blink, Elemental Weapon

    4th: Staggering Smite, Death Ward

    5th: Steel Wind Strike, Banishing Smite

    Devil Arm Warrior:

    At 1st level, you have the intuition for battle with penchant for the dramatic. You gain proficiency with martial weapons.

    The influence of your heritage lets you channel your flair and charms into your fighting style. As long as you are wielding a melee weapon one handed or a melee weapon with the versatile property, not wielding anything else and not wearing medium or heavy armor, you can use your Charisma modifier, instead of Strength or Dexterity, for attack and damage rolls.

    Style Mastery:

    At 1st level, you channel the rhythm of combat into power and improvised techniques to keep it going in your favor. As long as you aren't wearing medium armor, heavy armor or wielding a shield, as a Bonus Action, you embrace a Style and begin a Combo. You have 4 Styles to choose from:

    · Trickster: You have +1 AC and you can take the Dash or Disengage action as a Bonus Action

    · Sword Master: While using a melee weapon, you can choose whether the damage is either slashing, bludgeoning or piercing. Additionally, you can stow and take out weapons as a free action.

    · Spell-slinger: You no longer have disadvantage casting ranged cantrips at melee range.

    · Royal Guard: You can take the Dodge action as a bonus action and perform the Riposte Battle Maneuver as a Reaction.

    You build your Style by performing different actions during a Combo: performing the same action does not build Style. You also build style if an enemy misses an attack made against you. Building Style allows you to perform unique actions during your Combo. For instance, the cost of switching styles is decreased as your Style goes up, as listed below.

    Style Rank

    Style Switching Cost

    E – B (0 – 3)

    Bonus Action and 15 feet of movement

    A – SS (4 – 6)

    Bonus Action

    SSS (7)

    Free Action

    Once your Style is A or higher, you may spend 2 Style to add 1d4 to any attack, ability check or saving throw. You lose 2 Style every time you take damage from an attack or spell. You also lose 1 Style if you have not performed any actions during a round. You may choose to reset your Combo and Style when you switch styles. Your Style automatically resets once the encounter ends.

    Rebellious Awakening:

    At 6th Level, your rebellious spirit and stylish panache allows you to awaken a portion of your Uncanny Heritage for more power. You learn the Vicious Mockery cantrip. Also, when your Style is 3 or higher, you can activate your Devil Trigger (DT) with a bonus action for some additional effects. While in DT, you gain a resistance to Piercing, Bludgeoning and Slashing damage, you gain temporary hit points equal to your current Style + your Charisma modifier, your movement speed increases by 10 and you can Style switch as if you have SSS Style. However, while in DT, your Style deteriorates rapidly. At the end of each of your turns while in DT, your Style will decrease by the amount of turns you have had it activated. You can activate your DT a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier. You can end it early as a Bonus Action. You regain all uses of DT after a long rest.

    Improved Style Mastery:

    At 10th level, you have used your Styles enough to experiment and improve upon them. In addition, to the abilities your Styles could do at 1st level, they now have extra effects:

    · Trickster: You gain proficiency with Dexterity Saving Throws.

    · Sword Master: Pick 2 Battle Maneuvers from the Battle Master maneuvers list, you can use these 2 maneuvers a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1). You regain these uses after a short or long rest.

    · Spell-slinger: When a creature succeeds on a saving throw against your cantrip, the creature takes half the cantrip's damage (if any) but suffers no additional effect from the cantrip.

    · Royal Guard: You have +2 AC and you can spend 2 Style to add 1d8 to Riposte's damage.


    At 14th level, you have developed a signature technique that every infernal foe will recognize you by. Choose a Battle Maneuver from the Battle Master maneuvers list. You now always know that maneuver regardless of what style you are using. During a Combo, you can add your Style to the damage of that maneuver. You can use this feature a number equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1). You regain all uses at the end of a long rest.

    Uncanny Heritage Spell:


    1st level evocation

    Casting Time: 1 bonus action

    Range: 15 feet

    Components: V, S, M (a melee weapon)

    Duration: Instantaneous

    You send through your body into your weapon to pull you towards your target and strike. You move up to 15 feet in a single direction and make a melee weapon attack against the target. If the attack hits, you can either have the target make a Strength save or be pushed 5 feet or add your initiative bonus to your next melee weapon attack.

    At higher levels: when cast 2nd level or higher, you increase the range of the spell by 5 feet per higher spell slot.

    Uncanny Heritage Eldritch Invocations:

    Smokin' Sick Style:

    Prerequisite: 15th level

    If you activate DT while you have SSS, you can end DT early with a free action and you don't expend a use of DT if you end DT at the end of that turn.

    Very Much a Gay Cowboy:

    You have proficiency in Performance checks if you are not already proficient and double your proficiency modifier for it if you do, you can use Performance to taunt a creature against their Charisma save.

    Awoken to Justice:

    You synch your body to the blood of an Infernal ancestor who learned compassion and rebelled against his kin. Choose an Infernal Legacy, either from the Player's handbook or Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes, if don't already have one.

    A Devilish Attack:

    You can cast Stinger without having to use a Spell Slot

    Author's Note:

    The goal of Uncanny Heritage is to encourage a fast risk-reward and varied playstyle. For instance, using an action to perform a skill check or even doing something innocuous such as eating pizza in the middle of the fight can build style. The only thing that will reliably build style is when an attack made against you misses.

    Main Concerns when designing V:

    • Making each Familiar feel different and useful
    • Adding Risk and Penalties to an "at range" playstyle
    • Bardic Inspiration uses

    Bard Subclass (V)

    College of Repentance

    The College of Repentance consists of those who feel guilty for their past or of the extremely empathetic. Many were those who committed terrible acts in the past or were a part of organizations who did great harm and wish to fix the wrongs they've done and make a better world. Bards of this college have learned to channel their emotions and made the manifest in the physical. They particularly enjoy poetry, philosophy and games of contemplation and strategy, such as chess.


    You feel guilty about the mistakes of your past and with to fix them and change your fate. It is referred within the College as your Blunder but to anyone else it is known as a burden. Talk with your DM to work out what your burden is.

    Minor Piece – Incarnate Ego:

    When you join this College, you learn a special ritual to focus and personify aspects of your thoughts and personality, creating an entirely new existence to help you carry the burden that ways on your mind and soul. This inherently changes the way you channel and focus spells.

    You conjure a beast of CR ¼ or lower with a size of small or smaller, though for combat purposes it is treated as small, (ex. Blood Hawk) from your psyche. The creature loses all attack action it may have and is now treated as your Spellcasting focus for the purposes of casting spells. The creature is reflection of an aspect of your personality but it doesn't have to act and think like you do, it gains its own personality trait and flaw, it can now speak and understand any languages you know, and its mental stats change to mirror your own and replaces its proficiency modifier with your own. It gains proficiency with two skills and Saving throws you are proficient in and add your proficiency bonus to its AC. Its max HP is either the max on its stat block or 3 times your Bard level plus your Charisma modifier.

    You can summon your Ego from your body, or have it return to your body, as a bonus action within 5 feet of you. While you are within 60 feet of your Ego you can cast spells through your Ego as if they have cast it. You still need any materials and need to perform any verbal or somatic components yourself to cast and your Ego echoes whatever you say as verbal components while you cast. Additionally, while you are within range, you have a telepathic link with your Ego and can use an action to see and hear what it does, though this stops when you move out of range.

    While your Ego is dismissed and within you, you can only cast spells that have either a range of touch or self.

    Stalemate: When your Ego is reduced to 0 Hit points, it falls where it was and enters a dormant state. When this happens, you take psychic damage equal to your Bardic Inspiration Dice that can't be reduced, however you are able to cast cantrips. In order to bring your Ego back, you either:

    · Stand 5 feet from it and use a Bonus Action to revive it at full health

    · Dismiss it (1st turn) and then re-summon it (2nd turn)

    · While within 60 feet of it, use a Bardic Inspiration Dice to revive it at half health

    Announced Mate:

    Also, at 3rd level, you have learned to convince people of your true intentions and empathize. You gain proficiency and expertise in Insight if you don't already have it. You also gain advantage on Persuasion checks as long as you are being 100% truthful.

    Major Piece – Personified Shadow

    At 6th level, you can manifest a second, more unstable creature. This creature is the Shadow of your mind. You conjure a beast of CR ¼ or lower with a size of medium or smaller, though for the purposes of combat is treated as being medium (ex. Panther). Your shadow also acts as a spellcasting focus for the purpose of casting spells and follows the same rules for spellcasting as Ego, although, unlike your Ego, lacks a unique personality and acts like a beast or animal whose only concern is to protect you from threats and harm. It retains all its abilities from its stat block including attacks, however, you add your proficiency modifier instead of its own, you use your Charisma modifier for calculating bonuses to its attack and damage rolls, you add your proficiency to its AC and its max HP is either its max on its stat block or 4 times your Bard level plus your Charisma modifier.

    You can summon your Shadow from your body, or have it return to your body, as a bonus action within 5 feet of you. Your Shadow refuses to go to far away from you and will only move to 10 feet away. Should you be separated, Shadow will use as much movement as possible to get within 10 feet of you before doing anything else. Like your ego you have a telepathic link with your Shadow and can use a bonus action to order it to make a melee attack against someone within range.

    When Shadow is stalemated, you take 2 Bardic Inspiration Dice worth of damage, all other rules for stalemate that apply to Ego also applies to Shadow.

    Forced Move: When you are hit by an attack and Shadow is out and not Stalemated, you can use your Reaction to have Shadow move you 5 feet and cause the attack to miss, however, Shadow returns to your body and must be re-summoned. This movement does not trigger opportunity attacks.


    Also, at Level 6, you gain the ability to switch places with your Ego as long it is not Stalemated. You can use a Bonus action to switch places with Ego. If Shadow is also out, it will use its movement to move to you.

    Royal Piece – Liberate Nightmare:

    At 14th level, you summon a personification of your nightmares, burden, and the primal urge to destroy for a short period of time. As an action, you can summon Nightmare somewhere within 60 feet of your location. Upon doing so, every creature within a 15-foot radius must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 3d10 force damage or half as much on a successful one. Additionally, Ego and Shadow are immediately revived upon Nightmare being summoned. Nightmare can only be summoned for a maximum of 3 rounds, at the end of its 3rd turn, it dissolves and returns to you. Nightmare cannot be Stalemated but it can be destroyed prematurely, this does not incur psychic damage upon you if this happens. While it is out, you can use a bonus action to command it to make to Battery attacks or one Kriegspiel attack. Aside from the stats below, Nightmare has a movement speed of 15 feet and its AC is 17.

    Note: Aside from Movement and Free actions, Ego, Shadow and Nightmare act on your turn and use your actions to act. (in case it wasn't clear)

    Possible change(s):

    Making Griffon more close to an augmented Find Familiar and Shadow closer to a small golem servant.

    submitted by /u/nickkuroshi
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